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Author Archives: bbrown

Sermon Notes + 5.19.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF This Is Eternal Life John 17:2-3 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus’s prayer in John 17 reveals the relationship of the Son to the Father and offers insight into the relationship we can have with the only true God. John has already affirmed that Jesus is equal to the Father in terms of deity,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 5.12.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES He Lifted Up His Eyes to Heaven John 17:1 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer or the High Priestly Prayer. It is unlike any other prayer in the Bible in light of the fact that it is the… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 4.21.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Cast the Net John 21:1-14 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The final chapter of John’s gospel details the third resurrection appearance of Jesus to the disciples. Seven of the original twelve disciples go fishing one night on the Sea of Tiberias but catch nothing. Jesus stands on the shore inquiring… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 4.14.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES I Will Never Believe John 20:24-31 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: John has written this gospel with the hope of persuading his readers that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing they may have life in His name. Although many believed in Jesus during His ministry,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 4.7.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Do Not Cling to Me John 20:11-23 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The empty tomb did not prove that Jesus had risen from the dead but led initially to speculation about what might have happened to Jesus’ body. Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the tomb under the impression that someone had… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.31.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES They Laid Jesus There John 19:31-20:18 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The death and resurrection of Jesus came as a shock and a surprise to His disciples. John provides an eyewitness account of the death of Jesus, noting in painstaking detail how the Jewish leaders required the removal of His body… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.24.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Standing by the Cross John 19:17-27 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: John’s account of the crucifixion of Jesus is remarkably brief yet impressively detailed at the same time. John notes that Jesus is forced to carry His cross to Golgotha, the Place of a Skull, and he notes where Jesus is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.17.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES Behold the Man John 19:1-16 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The decision to crucify Jesus rests with Pilate, yet he is reluctant to carry out the punishment due to his inability to verify the charges against Jesus. He attempts to appease the Jewish leaders by using half-measures, having Jesus flogged and… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.10.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES My Kingdom Is Not of This World John 18:28-40 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: Having been arrested and interrogated by Jewish officials, Jesus is brought before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. John notes with irony how the Jewish officials are careful not to defile themselves ceremonially by entering Pilate’s headquarters,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.3.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES Whom Do You Seek? John 18:1-27 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: John reports the arrest and initial examination of Jesus as an act of betrayal under the cover of darkness with false pretenses. Judas leads the soldiers and officers to Jesus and identifies with the enemies of Jesus as he stands… Continue Reading