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Author Archives: bbrown

Sermon Notes + 3.31.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES They Laid Jesus There John 19:31-20:18 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The death and resurrection of Jesus came as a shock and a surprise to His disciples. John provides an eyewitness account of the death of Jesus, noting in painstaking detail how the Jewish leaders required the removal of His body… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.24.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Standing by the Cross John 19:17-27 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: John’s account of the crucifixion of Jesus is remarkably brief yet impressively detailed at the same time. John notes that Jesus is forced to carry His cross to Golgotha, the Place of a Skull, and he notes where Jesus is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.17.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES Behold the Man John 19:1-16 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The decision to crucify Jesus rests with Pilate, yet he is reluctant to carry out the punishment due to his inability to verify the charges against Jesus. He attempts to appease the Jewish leaders by using half-measures, having Jesus flogged and… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.10.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES My Kingdom Is Not of This World John 18:28-40 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: Having been arrested and interrogated by Jewish officials, Jesus is brought before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. John notes with irony how the Jewish officials are careful not to defile themselves ceremonially by entering Pilate’s headquarters,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.3.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES Whom Do You Seek? John 18:1-27 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: John reports the arrest and initial examination of Jesus as an act of betrayal under the cover of darkness with false pretenses. Judas leads the soldiers and officers to Jesus and identifies with the enemies of Jesus as he stands… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.11.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF  SERMON NOTES The Full Number of the Disciples Acts 6:1-7 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead PastorOverview: The early church is often portrayed as a model of what the modern church should be like—bold preaching, powerful praying, meaningful gatherings, everyone sharing, and exponential growth. Luke points out, however, that the early church was far from… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.18.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF Sermon Notes The Helper John 16:5-24 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus prepares the disciples for His departure by acknowledging their sorrow and anticipating their joy. The disciples do not fully understand why Jesus is leaving or where He is going, so Jesus reassures them that His departure is temporary and ultimately… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.25.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF Sermon Notes I Have Overcome the World John 16:25-33 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus continues to prepare the disciples for His departure by speaking more plainly about His return to the Father and their immediate future without Him. He assures the disciples that their faith in Him has brought them into… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 1.28.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF Sermon Notes Biblical Qualifications for Elders in God’s Church Hebrews 5: 1-14 and Revelation 2:1-7 Craig Hawkins, Northpoint Elder Overview: There are more characteristics or qualifications for being an elder in God’s church than we have time to discuss, even in this three-part series. See for example, 1 Timothy 1:5-7; 4:1-6, 16; 6:3-5,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 1.14.2024

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Appoint Elders in Every Town Titus Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Paul writes the letter to Titus, prompting him to complete the task of appointing elders for the benefit of the church. The letter is full of exhortations deriving from Paul’s status as a servant of God and apostle of… Continue Reading