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Author Archives: bbrown

Sermon Notes + 12.17.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF A Priest Forever Hebrews 5:1-10 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: In light of the Advent season, we are celebrating Jesus as our hope fulfilled, namely our Prophet, Priest, and King. The institution of the priesthood in the Old Testament was based on the need for a mediator between a holy God and… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 12.10.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 12.10.2023 SERMON NOTES The Last and Greatest Prophet Deuteronomy 18:18-22 Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Students + Adults Overview: Amidst the glittering lights and festive melodies of the Christmas season, our hearts naturally turn to the message of hope. In a world often plagued by uncertainty, the promise of hope fulfilled guides us through… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 12.3.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 12.3.2023 SERMON NOTES The Seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Known as the “protoevangelium,” Genesis 3:15 is the earliest declaration of the gospel in the Bible. God has pronounced a curse on the serpent for deceiving Adam and Eve, but He does not curse humanity, which He… Continue Reading

Carols and Cookies in the Courtyard

Carols and Cookies in the Courtyard

On Sunday, December 10, at 5:00 p.m., we’re gathering for Carols & Cookies in the Courtyard! We’ll sing some of your favorite Christmas Carols together, hear Scripture that tells the Christmas story, and enjoy milk and cookies for the kids and hot cocoa and cookies for the older “kids-at-heart.”  Bring a Chair and a blanket! Continue Reading

Christmas Worship Night December 17

Christmas Worship Night December 17

Northpoint sees the Christmas season as one that offers a unique opportunity to experience God’s love and grace in the midst of real life. Please plan to join us for an evening of Christmas Worship happening on Sunday, December 17, at 6:00 p.m., in the Northpoint Worship Center. Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 11.26.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 11.26.2023 SERMON NOTES They Hated Me Without a Cause John 15:17-16:4 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The tone of Jesus’s farewell address changes from comfort to warning as Jesus informs His disciples that the hatred the world has for Him will be transferred to the disciples. The basis for the world’s hatred… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 11.19.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 11.19.2023 SERMON NOTES Go and Bear Fruit John 15:1-17 Tyler Van Horssen, Director of Student Ministry Overview: As mentioned last week, the Holy Spirit unites believers to the Father and Son. In John 15:1-17, Jesus then explores the implications of what it means to be united to Him through the work of the… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 11.12.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 11.12.2023 SERMON NOTES I Will Not Leave You as Orphans John 14:15-31 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: As Jesus continues His farewell discourse, He promises the disciples they will not be alone even when He is gone because the Father will send the Holy Spirit to dwell in them. The presence of… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 11.5.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 11.5.2023 SERMON NOTES How Can We Know the Way? – Part II John 14:1-14 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: In what is known as the Farewell Discourse, Jesus encourages His disciples by telling them that they should believe in Him just as they would believe in God the Father. He informs them that… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 10.29.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 10.29.2023 SERMON NOTES How Can We Know the Way? John 14:1-14 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: In what is known as the Farewell Discourse, Jesus encourages His disciples by telling them that they should believe in Him just as they would believe in God the Father. He informs them that He is… Continue Reading