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Category Archives: Senior High

Senior High Category

Ethiopia in 3 Days!

We leave for Ethiopia in 3 days (on Thursday) and I’m taking a break from our “California Idols” series to ask you to pray.  Pray big!  Don’t just think of us…call in the airstrike for us. I’m very excited about this trip…here’s why: We get to talk to people about the Gospel in Addis Ababa… Continue Reading

California Idols: Stuff

Although we laugh at cultures that bow down to wooden statues and stone carvings…calling them backward and archaic, we bow down to metal boxes on wheels and big wooden boxes on land.  We have made idolatry sophisticated…we’ve made it look good!  Yet, it’s still the same old idolatry. Stuff… Sinking $100,000 into a car that… Continue Reading

Malachi: Waking the Dead

I can’t wait for this Sunday! We will be starting a new study of Malachi. I know this may not seem like the normal book to study in Sr. High, and you may not know how this applies to you…but, I think you’ll see it applies in more ways than you think. Malachi is God’s… Continue Reading

California Idols: Sports

I sat there as a scrawny 7th grader holding my breathe as my soccer coach announced the most valuable player on the team…would it be me? No…that year I received the “Hustle” award.  Basically, I tried really hard, but wasn’t the best. Even though the Jr. High soccer team I played for did not really… Continue Reading

California Idols: The Body

Take a trip to the beach, the gym, or even to the supermarket and it doesn’t take long to see that our culture has made an idol out of “the body.”  People spend hours trying to make their body look chiseled, tanned, blemishless, the right shape, and fit.  From the rave of 100-Calorie snack packs… Continue Reading