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Category Archives: Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes + 3.30.2025



The Rest of the Acts of Solomon
1 Kings 11:41-43
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: In the final summation of Solomon’s life, the author of 1 Kings refers readers to a source outside the Bible known as the Book of the Acts of Solomon. While the author’s intention has been to describe the life of Solomon to the reader, his comment also sheds light on how the biblical stories were written, and it raises the question as to how the Bible itself is more significant than the sources used for its completion. In brief, we find the author is selective but intentional with his material; he is accurate with his facts while using the literary constraints of his time; he writes an independent piece that fits within the storyline of Scripture; and he assesses the character of his subject from a Divine perspective. Though none of these factors prove the Bible to be the Word of God, they are consistent throughout Scripture as a whole and are meant to give us confidence that the Bible is indeed like no other book in the world.

01. The Bible is both a divine and human work. It is inspired by God and written by men, so let us view the Bible as God’s gift to us.

02. The Bible is a collection of books given by God and received by the church. It is self-attesting and sufficient, so let us view the Bible as complete.

03. The Bible is based on God’s work in history and based on historical sources. It is reliable in every part, so let us take heed of its assessments.

04. The Bible is both authoritative and edifying. It accomplishes the purpose which God designs, so let us read it with a view to draw nearer to the Lord.


1. What does the author intend to communicate about Solomon’s life in the first eleven chapters of 1 Kings? What are the themes that stand out to you? What lessons can be learned from his life today?

2. Why do you think the Bible uses sources outside of itself for its content? What kind of book would the Bible be if no historical records were used for its content? How important is history for the underlying theme of Scripture, such as God’s redemption of His people in the Exodus, or the life, death, and resurrection of Christ?

3. What does it mean to say that the author of 1 Kings is accurate with his facts but uses literary constraints of his time? Is it proper to impose upon the Bible modern expectations of historical writing, such as the technical language of modern science, modern rules of grammar or spelling, or the use of figurative language? What might be lost if we dismiss the accuracy of Scripture in accordance with its times and ours?

4. Do you marvel at the fact that the Bible contains 66 books but tells one complete story? How can we account for the storyline of Scripture (namely, God redeeming a fallen world through His Son) unless we accept the doctrine of inspiration? How does the canonization of Scripture preserve this storyline and provide a complete narrative of what God is accomplishing throughout world history?

5. Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God? Do you agree with its assessments of human behavior? What passages of Scripture do you turn to in order to increase your love for the Bible?

For Further Reading: John MacArthur, The Scripture Cannot Be Broken (Crossway, 2016)

Sermon Notes + 3.23.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES The Lord Was Angry With Solomon 1 Kings 11:1-40 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The final turning point in King Solomon’s life is when his heart is no longer devoted to the Lord, a process that has been a long time in the making but seems to accelerate in his… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.16.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Solomon Excelled in Riches 1 Kings 10:14-29 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The author of 1 Kings presents Solomon in all of his glory with respect to his wealth and wisdom before turning his attention to Solomon’s great fall in the next chapter. The annual income of gold received by… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.9.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES The Report Was True 1 Kings 10:1-13 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The wisdom of Solomon and the prosperity of Israel captures the attention of the queen of Sheba, who travels to Jerusalem on a quest to discover if the rumors she has heard correspond with reality. Though the queen… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 3.2.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES The Lord Appeared to Solomon a Second Time – Part II 1 Kings 9 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Following the dedication of the Temple, the Lord appears to Solomon a second time to confirm that He has heard Solomon’s prayer and to remind Solomon of his obligation to walk before… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.23.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES The Lord Appeared to Solomon a Second Time 1 Kings 9 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Following the dedication of the Temple, the Lord appears to Solomon a second time to confirm that He has heard Solomon’s prayer and to remind Solomon of his obligation to walk before Him with… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.16.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Will God Indeed Dwell On the Earth? 1 Kings 8 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: After construction of the Temple is complete, King Solomon assembles the elders and congregation of Israel in order to bring the ark of the covenant and to offer a prayer of dedication. The ark is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.9.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES A House for the Name of the Lord 1 Kings 5-7 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: As Solomon’s reign reaches its peak through his intellectual and administrative wisdom, he now turns his attention to building a house for the Lord. During the preparation phase, he acquires material and labor from… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 2.2.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES Every Man Under His Vine 1 Kings 4 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The author of 1 Kings describes how Solomon’s reign over Israel brought peace to all the people in accordance with God’s promises to make the nation a blessing to the world. Using the wisdom given to him… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 1.26.2025

DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES The Wisdom of God Was in Him 1 Kings 3 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The beginning of Solomon’s reign is a mixture of political expediency and genuine humility as he tries to lead the nation in accordance with the statutes of David, his father. Solomon enters into a marriage… Continue Reading