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Sermon Notes + 12.29.2024



Lord, Let Your Servant Depart in Peace
Luke 2:22-38
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: Forty days after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary bring Him to the temple to present Him to the Lord. Their humble means are on display as they offer the minimal requirement in keeping with the Law of the Lord. Simeon and Anna are also at the temple. Luke describes Simeon as “righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel.” Anna is described as “advanced in years . . . not departing from the temple, worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day.” Both Simeon and Anna recognize the baby Jesus as the Christ, the fulfillment of God’s promise for the redemption of Israel. Simeon takes Jesus into His arms and blesses God, stating that his time on earth can now come to an end because he has seen the salvation of the Lord. Simeon then blesses Joseph and Mary, confirming in their hearing that Jesus is appointed for the rise and fall of many in Israel, noting also the painful price that must be paid. May the Lord enable us to recognize Jesus for who He is and what He came to do so that we, too, can live a life fulfilled regardless of when we are called home.

01. Jesus’ incarnation reminds us to give thanks to God for parents and others who take care of our needs and raise us to walk with the Lord.

02. Joseph and Mary’s presentation of Jesus reminds us to dedicate ourselves to the Lord and to serve Him in the early stages of our adult life.

03. Simeon and Anna’s consolation remind us to serve the Lord daily and for the long haul as we anticipate seeing our Lord face to face.


1. What was the purpose for Joseph and Mary bringing Jesus to the temple in verse. 22-24? What does this passage suggest about their commitment as a couple to walk with the Lord in obedience to His Word? What does this passage indicate about their financial standing, according to Leviticus 12:6-8? Take time to thank God for young families at Northpoint who are just starting out together and serving the Lord at this stage in their lives.

2. How does Luke describe Simeon and Anna in verse 25 and verses 36-37? What characteristics do they share? What expectations did they have? If you are “advanced in years” (verse 36), are you growing in the Lord like Simeon and Anna? Are you eager to see what the Lord is doing in your lifetime and in the generations that follow?

3. What was Simeon promised, according to verse 26? How might this promise have affected his everyday life? How did the fulfillment of this promise inform his prayer in verses 29-30? Are you praying for the Lord to do anything in particular in your lifetime with reference to the gospel? Are you praying for someone you know and love to be converted? Are you praying for revival and the spread of the gospel?

4. Anna is described as a “prophetess” in verse 36. What other prophetesses are mentioned in the Bible? (See Exodus 15:20, Judges 4:14, 2 Kings 22:14, and Isaiah 8:3). How does her life, as described by Luke, enhance her standing as a prophetess? What message does she share in verse 38? How can you share the good news about Jesus with others?

For Further Reading: Trevor Burke, The Message of Sonship: At Home in God’s Household (IVP, 2011)

C.O.W.  Children of the Word

C.O.W. Children of the Word

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Get Connected 2024!

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NP Forum: From Head to Heart

NP Forum: From Head to Heart

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