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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Considering Baptism?

Considering Baptism?

Our next baptism service will be Sunday, May 16. If you’ve been thinking about being baptized, there will be a meeting between services on April 25. Questions? Please contact Megan Cordill at mcordill@northpointcorona.org. Continue Reading

Gift Card Drive

Gift Card Drive

Within a few weeks, we will have an amazing event happening within our church body that presents a benevolent opportunity.  Ryan Sell, a Northpoint member, has been on the kidney transplant list for years.  Last year he became so ill at one point we thought we were going to lose him.  By the Grace of… Continue Reading

Spring Sing & Augustine

Spring Sing & Augustine

Join us, Saturday,March 20, at 7:00 p.m., for Spring Sing & Augustine, an exciting evening of worship as we come together to praise, worship, and proclaim! There will be special music, lots of congregational singing of NP favorites, some mini-videos, and devotions from Pastor Tony that will all combine for a wonderful time together. Come… Continue Reading

FEBRUARY 21 – 27 PAUL’S CONVERSION AND BAPTISM  There are five challenges for you to do below: 1. HOW IS YOUR HEART TODAY? God loves you; Is your heart loving God back today? Only you can answer that one. Let’s start with getting dizzy and laughing with Weston and his cute little, fox-looking dog, Jenni. We will… Continue Reading

Childcare Workers are Needed!

Childcare Workers are Needed!

Need a job? Love children? Childcare workers are needed! Northpoint is looking for childcare workers to cover Women of the Word on Wednesday mornings. We pay minimum wage. If you are interested, please contact Karen Sherwood, Children’s Ministry Assistant, at 951.284.9798 or ksherwood@northpointcorona.org. Continue Reading

Sunday, February 14, 2021 Services

Sunday, February 14, 2021 Services

TODAY, February 14, 2021: Now that Riverside County has eased the COVID gathering restrictions, Sunday services will be in-person and inside the Worship Center at 9:00 a.m. Also, we’ll be live-streaming the 9:00 a.m. service on Facebook and YouTube, not at 10:45 a.m. as usual. Can’t make it to NP or catch the live streams? Watch services at your leisure on demand on Facebook and YouTube, or on the Northpoint… Continue Reading



Due to our recent inclement weather, THIS Sunday, January 31, our 9:00 a.m., in-person, outdoor service will move inside to the Worship Center. In addition, we’ll be live-streaming the 9:00 a.m. service on Facebook and YouTube, not at 10:45 a.m. as usual. Can’t make it to NP or catch the live streams? Watch services at your leisure on demand on Facebook and YouTube,… Continue Reading

Pastor Search Committee Candidates

Pastor Search Committee Candidates

Pastor Search Committee Candidates The Northpoint Elders present lay candidates Rich Simpson, Erin Hanson, Mark Blincoe, and alternate candidates Mike Saunders and Tom Wiegman, as well elder candidates Mark Kiker, Vinoj Zachariah, Perry Schaefer, and Steve Flood to be affirmed as members of the Pastor Search Committee to vet Tamene Menna for the position of… Continue Reading