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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Steadfast Homeschool Ministry – TOMORROW!

Steadfast Homeschool Ministry – TOMORROW!

Are you a homeschool mom looking for others to share the journey? Northpoint’s Steadfast Homeschool Ministry is a place where moms can join together to support and encourage one another in teaching and raising their children in the Lord. Steadfast provides monthly park days as well as fellowships, field trips, activities, and mom’s events. Our next gathering… Continue Reading

Carranza Mission Trip – Sign Up Sunday!

Carranza Mission Trip – Sign Up Sunday!

Our next Carranza Mission Trip is March 13-15. The minimum age for this trip is ten years old (sixth graders and under must be accompanied by a parent). Those who have already gone to Carranza with us can still sign up online HERE, or in the Foyer THIS Sunday, March 1, or at the meeting for ALL team members happening THAT afternoon in the… Continue Reading

Women’s Retreat 2020 – Register THIS Sunday!

Women’s Retreat 2020 – Register THIS Sunday!

Calling All Women!  Our This Changes Everything Women’s Retreat happens April 17-19. This year, we will be staying at the beautiful Ayres Hotel and Suites in Costa Mesa/Newport Beach. Our special speaker will be Martha Harding, conference speaker, and director of Women’s Ministries at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita. Registration continues in the Foyer THIS Sunday, or online HERE. Continue Reading

Special Memorial Fund

Special Memorial Fund

Northpoint has set up a Special Memorial Fund for the families of Drake Ruiz, Jacob Ivascu, and Daniel Hawkins. Click HERE to connect to our secure giving site. The Memorial Fund is a ministry fund of Northpoint Evangelical Free Church, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All funds designated and donated to this fund will go to defray the cost of medical… Continue Reading

Memorial Service

Memorial Service

The memorial service to celebrate the lives of Drake, Daniel, and Jacob will be at Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, Tuesday, January 28, at 4:00 p.m. The service will also be live-streamed; we will provide details when available. Continue Reading

Funeral Service for Drake, Daniel, & Jacob

Funeral Service for Drake, Daniel, & Jacob

This coming Wednesday, January 29, Northpoint will be hosting the funeral for Drake Ruiz, Daniel Hawkins, and Jacob Ivascu. This service, open to the young men’s families, friends, and those who fellowship here, will take place in the Worship Center, at 5:00 p.m. A reception will follow in Heritage Hall. Childcare for children birth-1st grade will be provided for the service… Continue Reading