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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Congregational Meeting – July 30

Congregational Meeting – July 30

THIS SUNDAY! On Sunday, July 30, we’re having a Congregational Meeting. Among other things, we’ll review the NP budget and the financial report, and vote to affirm new member candidates Steve and Penny Ellis, Mark and Renee Michel, Marsha Tiffany, Clara Martiniuc, Elijah Kang, and Brooklyn Perez. Continue Reading

All-church Picnic!

All-church Picnic!

We hope that you have had a restful summer so far! As the ministry year comes to a close, we would like to invite you to our Annual All-church Picnic following the 4:00 p.m. Congregational Meeting on Sunday, July 30 (see below). This is an excellent way for us to come together to celebrate what God has been doing… Continue Reading

Moms Connecting – July 7

Moms Connecting – July 7

If you are in need of encouragement in your role as a mom and want to know how to not only survive challenges and trials in your life but thrive, then please join us for our July 7  gathering of Moms Connecting for a fun swim day.  We meet at the Worthington’s 7531 Wildlife Road, 11:00 a.m. to… Continue Reading



What do the orangutan, black rhino, and men in the church have in common? They are all on the critically endangered species list. At the risk of being labeled misogynist, toxically masculine, or chauvinist, the men of America have largely disappeared from the landscape in contemporary churches. As men have given up their biblically mandated… Continue Reading

Good Friday & Easter 2023

Good Friday & Easter 2023

The 2023 Northpoint Good Friday services are April 7, at 7:00 p.m., in the Worship Center. Our Easter Sunday Celebrations happen April 9, at 9:00 a.m., and 10:45 a.m., in the Worship Center. (We’ll have a full children’s program for birth-kindergarten during both services. Kids grades 1-6 will be in services with families.) Continue Reading

NP Forum Women’s CHAT Room April 1

NP Forum Women’s CHAT Room April 1

Ladies. … Have you ever had to ask yourself, should I, as a believer, attend my family/friend’s same-sex wedding? Or how about this: Which pronoun should I use when talking to my friend or family member? We have all of the LGBTQIA+ issues, the sanctity of life issues, critical race theory issues, and defund the police issues. We live in a… Continue Reading