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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spanish Bible Study

Spanish Bible Study

Do you know of someone who would rather study the Bible in Spanish? If so, we have just the Bible study! Each Thursday evening, our own Eric Rojas leads NP’s Spanish Bible Study from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in A12-A14. No registration necessary; just show up. Continue Reading

Serve with AWANA?

Serve with AWANA?

Looking for a place to serve? Awana, a NP mid-week ministry for kids pre-K through 6th grade, might be the place for you! Contact Eric Dobson. Need to register a child? Please click here to register online for the 2016/2017 AWANA year. Awana desires to equip parents and leaders to work in partnership to instruct the… Continue Reading

Adopt Akaki 2016 – UPDATE!

Adopt Akaki 2016 – UPDATE!

I want to thank everyone who has participated in the Adopt Akaki ministry over the last several years. The money that has been raised has helped over a thousand students attend the Akaki School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and receive a quality, Christian education. By mutual agreement, the Akaki School has been exploring and has… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides – 8.21.2016

Sermon Notes Beyond Lip Service Matthew 7:21-29 Pastor Brent Whitefield Introduction: As he concludes the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus leaves his disciples and the others in attendance with words of warning. Those who recognize in Jesus’ teaching divine authority and confess him as Savior do well. But the kingdom of heaven is denied to… Continue Reading

Celebration Choir Kickoff 2016 – THIS Friday and Saturday!

Celebration Choir Kickoff 2016 – THIS Friday and Saturday!

Have you ever wanted to sing in the NP choir? If so, the Annual Celebration Choir Kickoff happens THIS Friday, August 19, from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m., and again the next morning, Saturday, August 20, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Come and you’ll learn new music, meet other members, and have fun! Contact Sarah Pate at spate@northpointcorona.org for more. Continue Reading

Tuba City Mission Trip Meeting THIS Sunday!

Tuba City Mission Trip Meeting THIS Sunday!

The Tuba City Mission Teams’ next trip to Arizona to partner with our Native American brothers and sisters is July 21-24. If you’d like to take part, please plan to attend the last planning meeting happening THIS Sunday, July 17 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., in T100. Contact Steve Flood for more information. Continue Reading

Independence Day Parade

Independence Day Parade

Northpoint’s VBS Team will again be participating the City of Corona’s Independence Day Parade THIS Saturday, July 2, and if you can walk a mile, stand for a few hours, and hand out VBS invitations, we could use your help! Adults and kids are welcome. We’ll even provide a costume. Here are the details: First,… Continue Reading