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Category Archives: Womens

Womens Category

She Didn’t Ask

The gospels are full of people asking Jesus to heal them or their loved ones.  In the first seven chapters of Luke alone we see Peter’s family asking Him to heal his mother-in-law of a fever, a man with leprosy asking to be healed, the friends of a paralytic lowering him through the roof, and… Continue Reading

Forgive Us Our Debts

Wonderful request, isn’t it?  I have to tell you, one of my passions is God’s grace and mercy.  Without that, I would be nothing… none of us would stand a chance!  If the Apostle Paul could assert that he is the worst of sinners, then how could any of us stand a chance at an… Continue Reading

Motley Crew

Have you ever paid attention to what Jesus did before he chose His apostles?  He spent the night in prayer.  He withdrew from friends, family, and obligations, and He sought wisdom in choosing the group that would become His most intimate friends.  He had come to give His life to save our own, and He… Continue Reading

Through the Roof

Okay, so if you know me, you know that one of my biggest pet peeves are people who prescribe what a Christian’s life should look like.  Nothing hits the center of my not-so-funny bone faster than the Christian who looks at their happy life and decides that that is what every Christian’s life should look… Continue Reading

I Can Do This!

No you can’t!  Have you ever run into anyone who told you they didn’t need to go to church regularly?  Someone who said that church is full of hypocrites, and God is everywhere, so why do they need to go?  Or someone who said that they give and give and give to so many people… Continue Reading

I Must…

“Why were you looking for me?  Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” – Luke 2:49 The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus telling people about His “musts.”  He told His parents He “must” be in His Father’s house.  He told those in the synagogues that He “must” preach… Continue Reading

A New Creation

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” – Luke 2:14 ESV The angels praised God at creation, and here they are praising Him again at the beginning of a new creation.  We can read the story of the birth of Christ some 200 years later… Continue Reading

Not Their Will But Thine Be Done

By: Amber McEwen “Not my will, but Thine be done,” is a hard prayer to pray.  Aligning our will with God’s will is not always the easiest thing in the world to do.  And sometimes just being okay with whatever He desires for our life can shake us down to our very core.  But what… Continue Reading

Mary’s Surrender

By: Amber McEwen I started reading through the book of Luke this week.  I haven’t gotten past chapter 1!  It’s been very interesting, contrasting the differences between Zechariah’s reaction to being told that his wife would conceive in advanced years, and Mary’s reaction to being told that she would conceive while still a virgin.  One… Continue Reading