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Who Was St. Patrick?

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Taylor Mendoza, Northpoint’s Junior High Ministry Intern. Who Was St. Patrick? For those who don’t know me, I was born on March 17, 1994—St. Patrick’s Day. Since then, my birthday has been full of both birthday wishes and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. So over the last 21 years, Patrick has become… Continue Reading

(An Evening of) Prayer for Easter

(An Evening of) Prayer for Easter Hello Church Family, Every year at this time I start thinking about how to best attract people to our church on Easter Sunday. While we don’t embrace an “attractional” model of ministry, per se, we do want to take advantage of days and seasons when unchurched folks are willing… Continue Reading

How to (Slowly) Get Patience James 5:7-12 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: By contrasting false religion with true religion, false faith with saving faith, James answers the question: how does the gospel change us? While James knows that perfection in this life is unattainable, he asserts that those who belong to Jesus will, over time, begin… Continue Reading

When Women Unite

When Women Unite Hello Church Family, I hope you’ve had a good week. I’ve been praying for you, that God would enable you (and all of us at Northpoint) to comprehend the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of God for us in Christ (Ephesians 3:18-19). Tomorrow begins an exciting and… Continue Reading

Pray for Our Ethiopia Mission Teams

Pray for Our Ethiopia Mission Teams

Pray! Two NP mission teams are in Ethiopia now. The E3 Partners team of Brandon Arnett, Bill Fresquez, Tom Jefferson, Jane Gropp, and Rick & Brenda Eisemann are in northern Ethiopia. The other team ministering near Addis Ababa includes Scott Williams, Mike Russell, Finly Zachariah, and Lee & Suzanne Graber. Both teams are no doubt… Continue Reading

God & Sex

God & Sex Hello Church Family, I hope you’ve been strengthened by the joy of the Lord this week. A little over a year ago, I started writing this weekly article called Through A Glass Darkly (a title that comes from 1 Corinthians 13) as part of the all-church email in which this column is… Continue Reading

Evidences of Christian Humility

Evidences of Christian Humility James 4:11-17 Pastor Brent Whitefield Introduction: Having commanded us to humble ourselves before the Lord, James goes on to offer a couple of examples of humility in action, displayed in how we speak to one another and how we demonstrate daily dependence on the provision and plans of God. He returns… Continue Reading

‘Sorry’ is Hardest Word

‘Sorry’ is Hardest Word Dear Church Family, What a beautiful week we’ve enjoyed. When I see the Facebook-plastered panoramic pictures of white-limbed trees and Midwestern whiteouts, I almost miss the snow. I did say, almost! If you watched any college basketball this week you saw a beautiful example of conflict resolution. We hear so many… Continue Reading