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Do You Know What I Know?

12.19.2019 Do You Know What I Know? By Dave Dussault Northpoint Prayer Ministries “He shall speak peace to the nations.” – Zechariah 9:10b Do you see what I see? Christmas is a season for children. Gaze on a sleeping infant—so vulnerable, sweet, seemingly so innocent. We project all of our hopes on these tiny new members of our… Continue Reading

True Treasure

12.12.2019 “True Treasure” By Dave Dussault Northpoint Prayer Ministries “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of… Continue Reading

December 15, 2019 Sermon Notes and Slides

The Supremacy of the Savior Isaiah 13-27 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Isaiah’s ministry to the people of Judah includes a series of messages concerning the surrounding nations. The dominant theme in these oracles is the certainty of judgment upon all who oppose God, with pride being their chief characteristic. The primary function of these… Continue Reading

December 8, 2019 Sermon Notes and Slides

The Promise of the Savior Isaiah 6-12 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Isaiah’s call to ministry came during a time of great uncertainty with regard to world events, but there was no uncertainty in Isaiah’s mind as to who ultimately controlled world history. In light of the majesty of God’s holiness, Isaiah was committed to… Continue Reading

Common Grounds – TOMORROW!

Common Grounds – TOMORROW!

Looking for a way to deepen your relationship with Jesus as you connect with other women who love him? Common Grounds is a small group of women who meet every other Friday. This year, we will be going through Uninvited (Living loved – When You Feel Less Than, Left Out & Lonely) by Lysa Terkeurst.… Continue Reading

Simply Motherhood – TOMORROW!

Simply Motherhood – TOMORROW!

MOPS NP is now called Simply Motherhood! SMo is a community gathering that brings in practical speakers on topics including raising children ages 0-5, building a successful marriage, developing strong friendships, and other subjects relevant to moms. We’re all about relationships! We meet twice a month at Northpoint, September through May. Every meeting starts with coffee… Continue Reading

Winter Camps 2020!

Winter Camps 2020!

A Few Spots Are Still Left! Winter Camps for our junior and senior highers, and 4th-6th graders happen over the weekend of January 3-5, 2020, at Thousand Pines. You can still sign up (although you won’t get a camp shirt). Get more information or register online HERE for SH/JH, HERE for 4th-6th graders, or visit our table… Continue Reading

The Satisfied Life

The Satisfied Life By Dave Dussault Northpoint Prayer Ministries “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.… Continue Reading