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Saying Goodbye – THIS Sunday!

Saying Goodbye – THIS Sunday!

We’ll be saying goodbye to Pastor Brent with a cookie reception THIS Sunday, July 1, on the Heritage Patio after both services. There will be a basket for cards and notes for all those who wish to express appreciation for the Whitefields’ seven years of dedicated service at Northpoint. Continue Reading

Men’s Storm Game

Men’s Storm Game

The Northpoint Men will be heading to the Lake Elsinore Diamond on July 28 to see the Storm take on the Stockton Ports. First pitch is at 6:00 p.m., so we’ll leave Northpoint at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 each. Interested? Then visit the Men’s Table in the Foyer this Sunday, or contact Charlie Righton at charlierighton@yahoo.com,… Continue Reading

Northpoint Family NEWS

Northpoint Family NEWS

The Northpoint Elders are recommending Taylor Mendoza be promoted from Director of Student Ministries to Pastor of Student Ministries. This requires a committee to be formed to vet the candidate. The elders offer the following for the committee: elders Tim East, Steve Flood, Mike Russell, and Vinoj Zachariah, and NP members Karen Sherwood, Rich Simpson,… Continue Reading

Interim Pastor Update

Interim Pastor Update

Many of you may have missed our Town Hall Meeting last Sunday evening where the Leadership Team announced its intention to bring on an interim pastor. An interim pastor is a skilled individual who has years of experience pastoring and serving the local church. Our interim pastor’s primary role will be handling the Sunday morning… Continue Reading

6.17.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

6.17.2018 Sermon Notes Hope in the Hands of the Sovereign God Psalm 42 Michael Russell, Elder Introduction: This is a study of Psalm 42, where the writer laments about his circumstances, yet continues to remind himself of his hope in God his salvation. 42:1-4 — Lament      42:5-6a — Hope/Refrain 42:6b-7 — Lament 42:8 —… Continue Reading

6.10.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

6.10.22018 The Delight of the Righteous Psalm One Pastor Brent Whitefield Introduction: In this preface to the Psalter, we see the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked explained and juxtaposed. The righteousness that is the gift of God to the believer confers not only changed destiny but a new way of… Continue Reading

6.17.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Gaining a Heart of Wisdom Psalm 90 Pastor Brent Whitefield Introduction: The only Psalm of Moses found in the Psalter is often recited at funerals. However, the wisdom it contains is better directed to the living than to the dead. For the believer, the life well lived is only possible with the eternal… Continue Reading

Rebuilding at Northpoint

Rebuilding at Northpoint Our Town Hall Meeting and All-church Dinner ended with a sweet time of fellowship this past Sunday evening, and our time together may have been a turning point for our fellowship here at Northpoint. We have been through a lot of changes in the past few months, and we have some challenges… Continue Reading

Abide in Christ

Abide in Christ Abide in Christ: Our Relationship with God I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that… Continue Reading