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An Update from the Elders

Northpoint Family, As we continue to work through the transitions that have come to us since Pastor Sloan resigned, we have talked with many of you. We have heard sorrow, confusion, grief, disappointment, understanding, and resiliency. And we see people trusting in God and desiring to pray and serve. Many have defined this as a… Continue Reading

4.22.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Models Worth Imitating 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Pastor Scott Williams Introduction: In chapter one, Paul remarks that the church in Thessalonica became “imitators of us and of the Lord” as they took their first steps in their Christian journey. Here in this chapter, Paul expands upon how he and his cohorts displayed all the… Continue Reading

The Times They Are A-Changin’

The Times They Are A-Changin’ For our teachers who travel twice a year to minister in NE India, there is in the city of Shillong a coffee shop called Dylan’s Café, that is one of our favorite hangouts. They make a mean plate of pancakes and bacon for those who yearn for some comfort food.… Continue Reading

Student Workdays

Student Workdays

The NP Student Mission Team is going to Spain in 2018! You can help their fundraising efforts by “hiring” students to work around your house; any type of job, big or small! All we ask in return is a donation that will go directly to the cost of each student’s trip. This year we won’t have our annual… Continue Reading

Pools Needed!

Pools Needed!

Each summer, our senior and junior highers meet at different pools around town for youth group, or what we call Hot Summer Nights. Would you like to host our youth on a Tuesday or Thursday evening? If so, please contact Carolee Jefferson at 951.281.2818. Click here to learn what being a host entails. Continue Reading

4.15.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes An Exemplary Faith 1 Thessalonians 1 Pastor Brent Whitefield Introduction: In his first epistle to the Thessalonian church, the Apostle Paul commends the faith, love, and hope of the believers in this newly founded body. Despite the fact that the church was born in the midst of great affliction, it has become an… Continue Reading

A Message from Your Elders

A Message from Your Elders: Dear Church Family, To everything God has created, He brings seasons of change, and we are going through such a time now. As difficult as these transitions are, they ultimately work for our good and God’s purposes. As you may know, on March 11, John Sloan tendered his resignation and… Continue Reading

God’s Peace

Each week, our own Dave Dussault writes Prayer Life, NP’s weekly prayer guide. You can get it via email by contacting him at davedussault21@gmail.com, or you can pick up a copy at the Information Center in the Foyer each Sunday.   Here’s what Dave sent out recently:   God’s Peace “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is… Continue Reading