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Hope for the Prodigal

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Marti Wiegman, Northpoint’s Director of Women’s Ministries. Hope for the Prodigal It’s that time of year—the season of candy and costumes, of harvest fairs and Halloween parties, of fall leaves, and pumpkin-flavored everything. I’m reminded of Pastor John’s challenge to us to use this season as an opportunity to be a witness in our neighborhoods; to… Continue Reading

Mission Week – Thank You!

Mission Week – Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who helped make Mission Week 2016 a success again this year. We heard reports about our cross-cultural mission efforts in places as far away as NE India and as close as Riverside. We hope that the week was encouraging and challenging to those who came, and gave us all an opportunity to… Continue Reading

There’s Only One Throne

Hello Family,I hope you’ve found times of refreshment this week. In the spirit of Psalm 62, my prayer for you has been: “Father, enable us to rest in you. Cause us to find hope in you. You are our rock and our salvation; our fortress. Do not allow us to be shaken.” Amid the uncertainties of… Continue Reading

10.9.2016 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Redemptive Community Hebrews 10:24-25 Pastor Scott Williams Introduction: We all know that as Christians, being part of a church is important, but does that mean an impeccable attendance record will lead us to truly experiencing the type of community that the Bible describes? What is the essence of biblical community? What is lost… Continue Reading

Am I Supposed To Forgive and Forget?

Hello Family, One of the questions that I’m asked repeatedly is this: Am I really supposed to forgive and forget? If you’ve been betrayed, abused, or hurt deeply, perhaps this question has haunted you for a long time. Well, like many good theological and relational conundrums, the answer is not as simple as we would… Continue Reading

10.2.2016 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes A (More Than) Reasonable Response Romans 12:1-2 & 1 Corinthians 10:31 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: “The Bible tells the story of what God does to save His people, not only from their enemies, but from their sins” (Edmund Clowney). Thus, the primary focus of every biblical sermon should be on what God has… Continue Reading

Your Disappearing Past

Hello Family, I hope you’re surviving these sweltering temperatures. My prayer for you this week has been that the Holy Spirit would pour out God’s love in your hearts (Romans 5:5). Since 2001, I have officiated at dozens of memorial services. I’ve preached at funerals of faithful believers (including many folks from Northpoint who have… Continue Reading

Christianity Explored Course – THIS Sunday!

Christianity Explored Course – THIS Sunday!

Northpoint will be offering Christianity Explored, a seven-week course for people looking to investigate Christianity, or those wanting to get a better handle on the basics. The class begins THIS Sunday evening, October 2, at 6:30 p.m. in Heritage Hall, and continues until November 13. The course explores Mark’s gospel to show who Jesus is, why… Continue Reading