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Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure Hello Family, I hope your week is going well. I have been praying for you over the last few days, that God would enable you to be rooted and established in his love, so that the winds of change in our country and our culture would not cause anxiety, trepidation, or… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides 5.1.2016

  Sermon Notes Let’s Not Pretend This Is Easier Than It Is Matthew 5:27-30 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: When traditions and man-made rules became more important than people, it sparked the ire of our Savior. Jesus was angered by those who were always measuring themselves according to their ability to keep the rules, while showing… Continue Reading

Am I Self-Righteous? Hello Family, In light of the section of Scripture that I’ve been studying this week, in preparation for Sunday’s message, I’ve been praying this way for you (and myself), as of late: “Father, give us the assisting grace that we need to keep us from falling into temptation. Lead us, Lord, away… Continue Reading

SM Fundraising Dinner – THIS Saturday!

SM Fundraising Dinner – THIS Saturday!

During the summer of 2016, Northpoint Student Ministries will be sending over 25 of our youth on student mission teams to Athens, Greece, Tanalian Bible Camp in Port Alsworth, Alaska, and Gabarone, Botswana for a week of serving and spreading the gospel. These short-term mission trips are an incredible opportunity for our youth to grow… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides 4.24.2016

Sermon Notes Forget What You’ve Heard Matthew 5:21-26 Pastor John Sloan Murder. Is any crime more evil? The consequences thereof more irrevocable? Yet, Jesus seems to equate hatred toward a brother with the shedding of innocent life. How could he even make such a comparison? The answer is: To Jesus, the root of murder is… Continue Reading

I Heard ‘Em Say It

I Heard ‘Em Say It Hello Family, Inside the cover of my Bible, I have a prayer guide that I reference in the mornings to help sharpen my prayer focus. As easily as I can be distracted, I need such a tool! Some of the categories include: worship, confession, thanksgiving, country, persecuted church, unbelievers, among… Continue Reading

Angel Game Friday!

Angel Game Friday!

Hey, Northpoint! We still have around 10 tickets left for the Angel game TOMORROW night, Friday, April 22, at 7:05 p.m. The tickets are $20 a piece and you can get them by emailing Jon Clubb. We have an entire section reserved, so it’s a great way for some of you dads to get out… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides 4.17.2016

Sermon Notes I Fought The Law and The Law Won Matthew 5:17-20 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: It’s been almost five hundred years since Martin Luther wrote, “The law says ‘do this’, and it is never done. Grace says, ‘believe in this’ and everything is already done.” Such sentiments strike a cord when considering Jesus’ Sermon… Continue Reading

What Are You Doing?

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Marti Wiegman, Northpoint’s Director of Women’s Ministries. What Are You Doing? Hello Church Family, When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself, “What am I doing?” Okay, I’m not talking about when you go to another room to get something and over the course of seconds suddenly can’t remember why you even got out… Continue Reading