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Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray

Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray Dear Church Family, I hope you’ve been able to find encouragement in the Lord this week. As many of you know from sermon illustrations I’ve given in the past, I grew up listening to a lot of gospel music. While my contemporaries in the Christian community were blasting 80s icon, Sandi… Continue Reading

A Word To Fathers

A Word To Fathers Hello Church Family, I hope your week has gone well. I’ve been praying for you, that God would allow you to experience the richness of His presence, so that you can say with Asaph, “the nearness of God is my good” (Psalm 73:28 NASB). For some reason, I’ve had several unsolicited… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes – 8.30.2015

A Good Fight 1 Timothy 1:18-20 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: In his groundbreaking book, Jesus, Mean and Wild, Mark Galli contends: “Today, we are adherents of the Religion of Niceness. Thus we learn not to make a fuss in school, at work, in life. We quickly discover that people respond positively to us when we… Continue Reading

Grace for Blasphemers

Grace for Blasphemers Hello Church Family, I’ve been praying for you this week, particularly that God would intensify our worship of Him, so that we would be moved toward our Savior in true dependence, humility, adoration, and faith. Last week, as I was finalizing my sermon, I realized that it was necessary to shave off… Continue Reading

Love in Suburbia

Love in Suburbia Hello Church Family, I hope you’re having a productive week, one in which you’re resting in the grace of God. In his brief but powerful book, The Mark of the Christian, the late Francis Schaeffer penned his now-famous proposal that the final apologetic for the Christian faith is the observable love that… Continue Reading

We Need You Here

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Pastor Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. We Need You Here Dear Church Family, If there is one appeal that I could make to my friends here at Northpoint, as we move toward the start of a new ministry year, it is this:… Continue Reading

Jesus’ Death and Our Personal Annoyances

Jesus’ Death and Our Personal Annoyances Dear Church Family, What a great day last Sunday was! A terrific morning of Christ-centered worship was followed by a sweet-spirited congregational meeting, and topped off by an all-church picnic.  When I got home Sunday at 8:00 p.m., I was both exhausted and invigorated. And what a beautiful thing… Continue Reading

An Evening with Stefanos and Manon Mihalios

An Evening with Stefanos and Manon Mihalios

Come join us Sunday night, August 16, at 6:00 p.m. in Heritage Hall, for an evening with Stefanos and Manon Mihalios, our missionaries to Athens, Greece. They will give us an update about how God is using their ministry in the midst of economic, social, and political turmoil in that country. They will also share… Continue Reading