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Category Archives: International Missions

International Missions Category

Celestin Reports from Juba, South Sudan

Greetings from Juba, South Sudan!

I have been here for the last few days attending the International Ecumenical Conference on the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan.  On Saturday I was invited to attend a meeting of the Sudan Ecumenical Forum which is mainly composed of international organizations that parter with the Sudan Council of Churches in both South Sudan and Sudan.

Read the complete blog post here.

ALARM focuses on developing leaders, reconciling tribal relationships and transforming communities through holistic ministry in Africa. Learn more about ALARM.

Doug & Cynthia Peters: August Update!

Doug has a new position this year with World Impact: he is now the coordinator for the Short-term Missions Program in Los Angeles. The purpose of our program is: To provide volunteer groups with an effective urban ministry experience that transforms lives, serves local churches, contributes to the well-being of World Impact missionaries, and ultimately… Continue Reading

E3 Update from Equador: A Healthier Summer!

Morning from Quito, It’s Friday morning…we finished our 5th & final clinic yesterday and drove 5 hours through the Andres back to Quito. By every accounting, our trip was a great success and we’re thankful to our Lord for His grace over all that we did. Each day people received medical care, had teeth pulled, received reading glasses, got… Continue Reading

Mount Sinai Baptist Church

Carranza is the name of a neighborhood community, or colonia, in Mexicali, Mexico.  Our church began a relationship, a partnership really, with the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church congregation in 1992.  Dale Payne, who was youth pastor of our church from 1991 to 2002, established this partnership with the church in order to involve the youth… Continue Reading

Let Freedom Ring?

Posted on February 19, 2011 by Meredith View Larger Map Remarkable changes are taking place in the Arab world. The Tunisian uprising seems to have unleashed pent up anger and frustration. There has been overwhelming support for the revolution in Egypt in the toppling of its dictator (though difficult days lie ahead). The Arab world… Continue Reading

Not Called?

“Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help.… Continue Reading

A Call to Die

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Who shall I send?  And who will go for us?’  And I said, ‘Here am I.  Send me!’  He said, ‘Go and tell this people…’  Isaiah 6:8-9 “God’s questions were not only for Isaiah.  His call is for everybody who will listen and respond.  The prophet… Continue Reading

Northpoint Church