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Category Archives: This Week

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C.O.W.  Children of the Word

C.O.W. Children of the Word

Are you looking for another way to help your kids meet and know our Lord through Bible study and Scripture memorization? Then, we’ve got just the thing for you! Northpoint’s mid-week program for kids from kindergarten through 6th grade, Children of the Word (C.O.W.),  We’ll be meeting Wednesday, September 25, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every other Wednesday through our nine-session season

This year we will be searching the scriptures to see how the Bible is one, complete story that reveals the solution to the greatest mystery of all-the death of Jesus in the cross. We will see how the story of Jesus is woven through the Old and New Testaments, and will memorize sections of scripture that point towards what He accomplished for us.

So, what do the gatherings look like? Our two groups (K-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade) rotate independently through three stations: a big-group teaching and worship time; small groups, where they talk about applying what they’ve learned during the evening’s big-group time, practice their memory verses, and pray together; and game time. Sounds fun, right?

This is a great opportunity for neighborhood outreach, so invite friends!

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Ryan Lemen at ryannjenn@sbcglobal.net.

Click or tap HERE to register online:

Hour of Prayer – NEXT Monday September 9

Hour of Prayer – NEXT Monday September 9

Join us for A Night of Prayer for Missions, with a special focus on the church in Ukraine. The event will take place on Monday, September 9, from 5:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the Worship Center. Our brother, Steve Smeltzer, will provide an update on the current state of the church in Ukraine, and… Continue Reading

Men’s Breakfast – September 21

Men’s Breakfast – September 21

Saturday, September 21, in Heritage Hall, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (new time). The morning should be a great time of food, fellowship, and an encouraging message from Woody Armstrong. We want all the men of Northpoint to attend!     For more information, please contact Michele Balga at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading

Pieces of Love – September 21

Pieces of Love – September 21

Do you want to learn how easy it is to make a quilt that will bless someone? Our Pieces of Love Quilting Ministry will be meeting in the Worship Center Music Room, September 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Stop by anytime! Come share the love and comfort of Christ with the world by making and then… Continue Reading

NP Bookstall

NP Bookstall

Northpoint has launched a new ministry at the Information Center in the Worship Center Foyer: the Northpoint Bookstall. Bookstall? It’s a place where we make available for purchase good Christian books recommended by our Leadership Team. Each book has been chosen not because we think it is the best book ever written, but because we think these… Continue Reading

NP Online Care Card

NP Online Care Card

One way to stay connected with your NP family is to fill out the new confidential NP Online Care Card. Once submitted, the card will be reviewed by the Northpoint Care Team. If you so indicate on the card, someone from the team will contact you. In addition, you can always call the Church Office at… Continue Reading