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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Communion Prep Team

Communion Prep Team

Help is needed on the NP Communion Prep Team. Once a month, you’d serve either before first service prepping communion trays, or before and after second service, prepping and then cleaning up. Either way, the job would take about 35 minutes. Interested? Contact Michele Balga at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading

A Night of Psalms

A Night of Psalms

To celebrate the release of Geoff and Chelsea Grants’ album, Songs from Psalms, join us in Heritage Hall THIS Sunday, March 31, at 6:00 p.m., for A Night of Psalms. Coffee and hors d’oeuvres will be served for a coffee house concert of Songs from Psalms, featuring a brand new song composed for the evening! CDs… Continue Reading

Syrup on the Mount – THIS Saturday!

Syrup on the Mount – THIS Saturday!

Gentlemen, Syrup on the Mount, our MEN’S morning “in the wilderness,” happens THIS Saturday, March 16, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., at Ryan Bonaminio Park, near the base of Mount Rubidoux in Riverside. Even if you didn’t get a chance to sign up, you’re still welcome! Clarification: Our gathering will be under the easily accessible… Continue Reading

Voices of Hope Children’s Choir Concert

Voices of Hope Children’s Choir Concert

THIS Saturday, February 23, Northpoint will be hosting the Voices of Hope Children’s Choir, at 7:00 p.m., in the Worship Center. Tickets are $15.00 each; purchase at the door or online HERE. All proceeds benefit Voices of Hope and the Simple Acts of Care and Kindness Foundation. Voices of Hope was a world semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent, Season 13. Click… Continue Reading

NP K!DS’ Choir 2019

NP K!DS’ Choir 2019

The NP K!DS’ Choir (grades 1-6) is back for our spring season! We are learning and performing a fun Easter musical, Back to the Cross, that will take us through several different styles of music (and costumes, and manners of speech). It will be a blast! We have a lot of parts of various sizes… Continue Reading

The Trinity:  Is Three  A Crowd? THIS Sunday!

The Trinity: Is Three A Crowd? THIS Sunday!

The Trinity, does the Bible teach it? Does it have any practical relevance to the everyday life of Christians? The Trinity is one of the most difficult doctrines of Christianity to understand. It seems that many times Christians have an imbalanced view of God. For example, who is the Holy Spirit? Is He divine? Is… Continue Reading

Congregational Meeting THIS Sunday!

Congregational Meeting THIS Sunday!

Our Congregational Meeting happens THIS Sunday, January 27, at 6:00 p.m., in the Worship Center. Among other things, we will affirm Amanda Carpenter, Bill Carpenter, Chris Lees, Renee Lees, Lorraine Newton, Tom Newton, Donna Pidgeon, Kevin Pidgeon, Cathy Sciortino, and Ned Sciortino as new members, hear the latest from the Elders on Restore + Rediscover… Continue Reading

Northpoint Database Update 2019

Northpoint Database Update 2019

We are in the process of upgrading the Northpoint database that manages contact information for members/attendees. Did you miss your chance to update your information in the Foyer during February? If so, it’s not too late! Contact Michele Balga or Carolee Jefferson in the Church Office at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading