VBS Video
We had a great VBS week this year! Thank you for your prayers and support. Click here to watch the video! Continue Reading
We had a great VBS week this year! Thank you for your prayers and support. Click here to watch the video! Continue Reading
Junior High Drive-in Movie Night is THIS Saturday, July 8, in T202/203, to kick off the new ministry year. We will start at 5:00 p.m. by turning cardboard boxes into “cars” and then watch The Incredibles while eating pizza and popcorn. Just bring $5.00 for the food and a large cardboard box, AND we’ll supply the rest! Hope… Continue Reading
Looking for a place to connect this summer? Whether you’re new to Northpoint or have been here for years, plan to join Pastor Scott Williams and Mike Russell, a Northpoint elder, for A Summer of Joy [A Study through Philippians], on Sunday mornings beginning THIS Sunday, June 25, and running through August 6, from 9:00… Continue Reading
Looking for a place to serve? If so, consider joining the Resource Folder Crew. Each Friday morning, they gather at NP to spend a few hours folding and packaging the Sunday Resource Folder. Contact Michele Balga at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading
Join the Greece Mission Team THIS Friday evening, June 16, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall for an informational dessert/fundraiser where you can hear from our Greek missionaries and the team we are sending to help them. They will be explaining how they are going to be serving the Greek people and how the… Continue Reading
SM Summer Camps aren’t too far off! Senior high and junior high are heading to the Kern River. SH will be there June 25-30, while JH’s stay will be June 26-30. Get more information or register online by clicking here. Continue Reading
Make it for a late lunch or come by for dinner TOMORROW, May 20, at the Corona Crossings Chick-fil-A, from 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., for our VBS Spirit Night Fundraiser. Sign your name on the clipboard once there, and we’ll receive 20% of your order total! Continue Reading
Relay for Life is one of Northpoint’s main outreach events each year. We join more than 4 million people in over 20 countries to raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer. Each spring we build a team Team to participate in the American Cancer Society’s worldwide, twenty-four hour happening. Team members commit… Continue Reading
The Northpoint Celebration Choir will present their spring concert, Songs of Reformation, THIS Sunday, on May 21, at 6:00 p.m., in the Auditorium. Join them as they celebrate in song, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Continue Reading
The Northpoint Annual Garage Sale is the largest fundraiser Student Ministries plans each year. Students are able to earn needed funds for junior high, senior high, and Revolve camps, and for various mission trips here and abroad. This year, the Garage Sale is THIS Saturday, May 6, from 6:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., and your stuff is needed!… Continue Reading