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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Winter Camps – Packing List

Winter Camps – Packing List

Winter Camps for our junior/ senior highers and 4th-6th graders are January 6-8, 2017, at Thousand Pines Christian Conference Center. Here’s Your Packing List: Bible/notebook & pen Sleeping bag/pillow Spending money ($10-$20) for snack shop Camera (Optional) Flashlight Toothbrush/toothpaste Towel/ washcloth/ soap Comb/ brush (optional) Lip balm Laundry/plastic bag (might bring home snow-wet clothes) Winter/ski pants (or… Continue Reading

SM Photo Shoot Fundraiser – THIS Weekend!

SM Photo Shoot Fundraiser – THIS Weekend!

Time is running out to set up a time to get your family photos taken at our annual Student Ministry Photo Shoot Fundraiser! It happens THIS weekend, November 18-20. Use your photos in Christmas cards. For a donation of any amount, you will receive professional-quality photos delivered to you on a CD to keep. Call Colin Cordill… Continue Reading

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

GriefShare will be showing the video, Surviving the Holidays, to help the grieving deal with the emotions of the holidays, NEXT, Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m., in the Music Room. Please call the Church Office at 951.734.1335 to reserve a spot. Continue Reading

Mission Week – Thank You!

Mission Week – Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who helped make Mission Week 2016 a success again this year. We heard reports about our cross-cultural mission efforts in places as far away as NE India and as close as Riverside. We hope that the week was encouraging and challenging to those who came, and gave us all an opportunity to… Continue Reading

Christianity Explored Course – THIS Sunday!

Christianity Explored Course – THIS Sunday!

Northpoint will be offering Christianity Explored, a seven-week course for people looking to investigate Christianity, or those wanting to get a better handle on the basics. The class begins THIS Sunday evening, October 2, at 6:30 p.m. in Heritage Hall, and continues until November 13. The course explores Mark’s gospel to show who Jesus is, why… Continue Reading

Celebration Choir Fall Concert

Celebration Choir Fall Concert

Join the NP Celebration Choir for an evening of “musical encouragement” NEXT Sunday, October 16, at 6:00 p.m. (new time), as they share a repertoire of choral pieces that will encourage us by recounting the promises, pardon, prayer, praise, and hope of paradise that we find in Christ. Continue Reading