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Category Archives: Uncategorized

End of the Year Giving 2014

End of the Year Giving 2014

End of the year gifts to NP are a blessing and help ministries all around the world. If you are planning a year-end contribution to count as a tax deduction for 2014, please deliver it to the church on or before December 31, 2014. Gifts received in January 2015, even if backdated, will count as… Continue Reading

Men’s Chili Cook-Off – TONIGHT!

Men’s Chili Cook-Off – TONIGHT!

Men of Northpoint, don’t miss the first annual Chili Cook-off & Dinner TONIGHT, Friday, November 21, at 6:30 p.m., in Heritage Hall. We’ll cook our chili, choose a winner, and then feast on the entries! Enjoy a time of worship and an inspirational message from Steve Salomon of Rancho Community Church. Steve has been serving in… Continue Reading

Stephen Phillips Tonight at Mission Week!

Stephen Phillips Tonight at Mission Week!

Tonight, Stephen Phillips, missionary to Barcelona, will speak about his plans for planting churches in the Catalan region of Spain at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.in Heritage Hall. Also, NP’s mission teams to Alaska and Spain will offer reports. Childcare to sixth grade. Light refreshments will be served. See you there! Continue Reading

Meal Packaging Event – THIS Saturday!

Meal Packaging Event – THIS Saturday!

The pallets of food are already in Heritage Hall awaiting the Northpoint Meal Packing Event happening THIS Saturday, October 25, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall, but we need to pay for it! You can donate to the cause with a check made out to “Northpoint” with “Harvest Pack” in the memo line (drop in the Church… Continue Reading

Rejoice! Children’s Christmas Choir

Rejoice! Children’s Christmas Choir

Calling all 1st-6th graders who want to sing for the Lord at our Christmas in Corona event on December 9, and in church services during December! Rehearsals will be in T100 every Sunday morning in November from 10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m. There will be a mandatory parents’ meeting during one of the Sunday rehearsals in November. Hope to see you at the first… Continue Reading



Hey junior highers! Don’t miss SWAT Night, an evening of fun and games happening Friday, October 17. We’ll gather in the Youth Room (T202-203) from 7:00-9:30 p.m. The cost is $5.00 and includes snacks and sodas. We expect this will be a great opportunity to build relationships. Invite a friend to introduce to our community! Questions? Contact Carolee Jefferson. Continue Reading