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Introducing … Josh Figueroa

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Sarah Pate, Northpoint’s Celebration Choir Director. Introducing … Josh Figueroa Hello Church Family, It was a dark day (figuratively) when Eric Belvin informed me he was leaving to move to Texas for a full-time job. Eric’s skills as a pianist and choir accompanist seemed almost… Continue Reading

2014 VBS Kids’ Registration

2014 VBS Kids’ Registration

Northpoint’s AGENCY D3 Vacation Bible School wraps up TOMORROW night. Parents, please plan be here for the fun: pick your kids up in their classrooms at 6:45 p.m., head to the Auditorium for the Closing Ceremonies, and then enjoy Chick-fil-A on the Heritage Hall Patio! It’s not too late to register kids for Northpoint’s AGENCY… Continue Reading

Click here for PDF 7.6.2104 Sermon Notes Friend of God Genesis 18:1-19 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: What would it be like to have dinner with God? Would the tone be strictly serious (no joking permitted)? What kind of hors d’oeuvres do you serve to the One who made the world? Would God send His meal… Continue Reading

You Don’t Want to Miss a Thing

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Marti Wiegman, Northpoint’s Director of Women’s Ministries. Hello Church Family, Last month my husband and I, along with 20 some other members of our church family, went on an amazing adventure. Touring through Greece, cruising to beautiful islands, and traveling into Turkey, we traced the… Continue Reading

Learn to Pray God’s Word

Learn to Pray God’s Word

Ladies! For those of you who attended our Women’s Retreat this past April, you may be aware of a workshop that we held there, called Ride Sharing: Praying God’s Word Together.  We are offering a follow up to that workshop, where Bernice Macmillan will share with us how to pray God’s Word. She loves, and… Continue Reading

Click Here for a PDF 6.29.2014 Sermon Notes A Never Changing Promise Genesis 17 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Throughout time and history, God has spoken. And He still speaks. It is by the power of His word that God upholds the universe (Hebrews 1:3), and it’s by God’s commands that rain pelts the earth and… Continue Reading

A Good Walk Spoiled

Hello Church Family, I hope you’re richly experiencing God’s grace this week. When I was sixteen years old, a man ten years my senior took me golfing for an afternoon at the Kitty Hawk Golf Course in Dayton, Ohio. I’ll never forget that day. It was unbearably humid, which caused my shirt to cling to… Continue Reading


An Update by Scott Williams Hello Church Family, Matthew 28:19: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” KJV “Go ye!” I once heard an entire sermon preached on the first two words of Matthew 28:19 from the King… Continue Reading