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Men of the Word

Men of the Word

Men of the Word is a weekly, in-depth Bible study that blends formal Bible teaching with small group time for discussion, accountability, fellowship, and prayer. This year, Woody Armstrong will be leading MOW through the book of Job. There are two MOW offerings starting NEXT week: Monday evenings, beginning September 16 with Formal Teaching from 7:00 p.m.-7:30… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES I Will Fill This House with Glory Haggai Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The book of Haggai opens with a call for God’s people to place Him first in their lives by completing construction on the second temple. This project was necessary because the first temple had been destroyed, and… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES The Whole Earth Had One Language Genesis 10 – 11:9 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: God’s command for Noah to multiply and fill the earth finds its initial fulfillment in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. This list of seventy names emerging from the sons of Noah describes the… Continue Reading

Make It (Really) Cozy!

Make It (Really) Cozy!

Reaching Out to the Corona Homeless Population Northpoint Church is again partnering with the city of Corona to reach out to the homeless population in our community this holiday season. Because of the pandemic and the general rise of homeless people in Corona, the city of Corona is working with CityNet, a non-profit organization, on… Continue Reading

Christmas Tea Dec 3-4

Christmas Tea Dec 3-4

The Christmas Tea is finally here! Performance times are Friday, Dec 3, 7:00 p.m.  Saturday, Dec 4, 11:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m.  If you already have your tickets you are welcome to come 30 minutes early to view the many beautifully decorated tables.  Please bring your ticket with you for faster seating.  There are a… Continue Reading

Christmas Poinsettias!

Christmas Poinsettias!

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be offering an opportunity for us to honor loved ones and remember special occasions by collecting donations for Christmas Poinsettias this year to enhance our worship areas for the season. Here’s how it works: Tell us how many white poinsettias you’d like to donate at $10 each in honor of the… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES When the Bow is in the Clouds Genesis 9 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: In the immediate aftermath of the flood, the sanctity of human life and the sinfulness of the human heart come to the fore once again. God affirms the sanctity of life by reissuing the… Continue Reading

Carols & Cookies in the Courtyard – TONIGHT!

Carols & Cookies in the Courtyard – TONIGHT!

Join us TONIGHT, Sunday, November 28, at 6:00 p.m., for a wonderful time together worshiping Jesus that we’re calling Carols and Cookies in the Courtyard! We’ll enjoy singing some of your favorite Christmas Carols together, hear Scripture that tells the Christmas story, enjoy milk and cookies for the kids, and hot cocoa and cookies for the… Continue Reading

A Morning with Brad Watt

A Morning with Brad Watt

THIS morning, November 21, you are invited to join us from 10:45 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. (during second service), to hear a riveting talk in Heritage Hall from Brad Watt. For the last eight years, Brad and his wife, Autumn, have been working with the ministry of Love Justice International to rescue young children in Nepal from human slavery and trafficking. This gathering will be… Continue Reading