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Sharing the Good News Workshop

Sharing the Good News Workshop

Northpoint will be hosting a Sharing the Good News Workshop is THIS Saturday, October 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CORRECTED TIME), in conjunction with former Northpoint pastor, Scott Burns, now pastoring at CrossCity Church in Columbus, Ohio. At the Workshop, we will be reminded of the Content of the Gospel, our Confidence in the Gospel, and… Continue Reading

Northpoint Hymn Sing

Northpoint Hymn Sing

Save the Date: On Saturday, September 25, we’ll gather for a Northpoint Hymn Sing, outside in the Heritage Courtyard, at 7:00 p.m. There will be special music and lots of congregational singing! Plan to be with us. Continue Reading

Walk for life Saturday Oct 2

Walk for life Saturday Oct 2

Walk for Life Saturday, October 2! Join us as we walk to raise awareness and funds for the important life-giving work of Corona Life Services, an organization we at Northpoint have strongly supported over the years. Encourage your friends to join you (and us) as we walk! Lee Pollard High School, 185 Magnolia Ave Corona 92882 Saturday, October 2,… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES The Eyes of Both Were Opened Genesis 3:1-8 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The harmony of God’s good creation and tranquility in the garden of Eden is disrupted by the sin of Adam and Eve. The description of the serpent’s craftiness is the first indication that such a disruption is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Bone of My Bones Genesis 2:18-25 Overview: The creation story concludes with the formation of Eve as a precursor to the institution of marriage and a requisite to the command to be fruitful and multiply. Although Adam lived under the favor of God in a pristine environment with the ability to… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes The Tree of Life Genesis 2:4-17 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The creation account moves from a general overview of the heavens and the earth to focus on Adam and his place in the world. He is made from the dust of the ground and becomes a living creature by… Continue Reading

Men’s Taco Night

Men’s Taco Night

Hello, Men of Northpoint We will be enjoying a Men’s Taco Night on Monday, September 13, at 6:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall to help kick off the ministry year. As with our traditional steak dinners and cookouts in the past, all of you are invited. Whether you participate in Men of the Word (MOW – beginning September 20), Iron… Continue Reading

Greeters Needed

Greeters Needed

Are you looking for a place to serve? If so, consider being a Sunday morning greeter for both first and second service. This is a great way for families to serve together. You’d serve once a month from around 8:40 a.m to 9:15 a.m. for first service or 10:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for second. Interested? Contact Jim… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES In the Beginning, God Rested Genesis 2:1-3 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The creation of the heavens and the earth was completed on the sixth day, but Genesis includes a seventh day when God rested from His work. The fact that God did not exhaust any energy in creating the… Continue Reading

Hour of Prayer – NEXT Sunday!

Hour of Prayer – NEXT Sunday!

Would you please plan to join us Sunday, August 29, at 4:00 p.m., in the Worship Center, for a Northpoint prayer gathering? Among other things, we will be asking for the Lord’s blessing on our upcoming ministry year. You won’t be made to pray out loud; God hears even the silent prayers. Childcare – Do you want to attend but need childcare? We are working on securing childcare workers… Continue Reading