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Safe Families for Children

Safe Families for Children

NP is partnering with Safe Families for Children to pair children with loving families for a time, allowing parents to get back on their feet. Interested? Then please visit safe-families.org, or contact Karen Sherwood at sherfam@gmail.com. Continue Reading

2.5.2017 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Two Birds for a Penny Matthew 10:1-33 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Comfort. Security. Stability. These are the buzz words that describe the benefits of the American Dream. But what if following Jesus meant setting aside those cherished values? In a commissioning speech for the first disciples, Jesus makes it clear that the Christian life… Continue Reading

Our Need for Community

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Scott Williams, Northpoint’s Pastor of Adults and Families. Our Need for Community Hello Family, Today we live in a hugely individualistic culture. Our western society loves to champion those who can “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps,” those who would consider themselves a “self-made man or woman.” Even many of the movies or books that we… Continue Reading

When God’s People Give

When God’s People Give Hello Family, I hope you’ve found rest in the grace of Christ this week. My prayer for you over the last couple of days has come from Psalm 25: “Show us your ways, O Lord, teach us your paths; guide us in your truth and teach us, for you are our… Continue Reading

1.22.2017 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes A Daughter and a Woman Matthew 9:18-26 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’” This was Jesus’ response to the Bible scholars of his day, when he was interrupted over dinner. Go study. Go think. Go meditate on God’s mercy, because it’s not easily… Continue Reading

Five Reasons that I Cherish and Champion the Sacredness of Human Life

Five Reasons that I Cherish and Champion the Sacredness of Human Life Hello Family, I hope you’ve experienced the richness of God’s presence this week. That has been my prayer for you. In three days, we’ll celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHL), a morning on which thousands of churches around the country will consider… Continue Reading

1.15.2017 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Old Wineskins Matthew 9:14-17 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: The prophet Isaiah, when referring to the coming Messiah, likened him to a “man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.” But this same Savior could also be described as a “man of controversy, acquainted with harassment.” Over the span of just a few hours, three religious… Continue Reading

The Meaning of Life

1.12.2017 The Meaning of Life Hello Family, I hope you’re having a great week. I have been praying for you, that God would respond to you when you seek him and deliver you from all your fears (Psalm 34:4). On Tuesday evening, I was on my way to Chick-fil-A with my wife and two of… Continue Reading

Rejoice! Children’s Choir – TONIGHT!

Rejoice! Children’s Choir – TONIGHT!

The Rejoice! Children’s Choir (grades 1-6) is starting up again! We’ll be preparing for our spring musical. The fun starts TONIGHT, Thursday, January 19, at 6:45 p.m., in T100. New to the group? The cost is $20.00 for the first child and $5.00 for each additional child. For more information, please contact Michele Balga at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading