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Celebration Choir Concert

Celebration Choir Concert

The NP Celebration Choir is set to offer their concert, I Will Sing of God’s Great Love, THIS Sunday, March 20, at 6:00 p.m., in the Auditorium. Back by popular demand will be a “Jukebox Concert” portion, where the audience can select favorite songs to be sung. This will be a fundraising event for the NP team traveling to Botswana… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides 3.13.2016

Sermon Notes Testing Jesus Matthew 4:1-11 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: You notice a woman drop a $20.00 bill on the sidewalk as she hastily disappears into Walgreens. What do you do? You check into a hotel and discover that a premium channel is free, and it’s featuring an explicit, yet critically praised, television show. How… Continue Reading

Helping Children See Jesus

Helping Children See Jesus Hello Family, My prayer for you this week has been patterned after Jesus’ own intercession in John 17: I’ve asked God to “keep us from the evil one” (verse 15), and to “sanctify us in the truth” (verse 17) in order that we “may all be one” (verse 20). I had… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides 3.6.2016

The Inner Life of God Matthew 3:13-17 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Despite John’s protestations, Jesus is baptized by the Baptizer. And as soon as Jesus emerges from the water, two incredible things happen: First, the Spirit of God descends and, second, the voice of the Father pronounces his divine pleasure with the Son. As remarkable… Continue Reading

The Tenderness of God?

The Tenderness of God? Hello Family, I have been praying for you this week, specifically, that God would intensify your trust in him, and bolster your faith in his goodness. People often ask me, “How much can you see when you’re on the platform preaching?” My answer is: I see a lot. I notice when… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides 2.28.2016

Sermon Notes Cosmic Invasion Matthew 3:1-12 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: His sartorial selections were strange. A tunic made of camel’s hair? His culinary choices were equally outlandish. Who eats locusts and wild honey? And, yet, as odd as John the Baptist was, it wasn’t his style and flair that caused the most drama, it was… Continue Reading

The Un-Politician

The Un-Politician Hello Church Family, I have been praying for you this week from Psalm 90: “O Lord, satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” This is a unique time in the life of our country. This is political “crunch time,” so to… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides 2.21.2016

Sermon Notes True Disciple John 8:31-38 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: The mission statement of Northpoint, which is intentionally plastered on resource folders, handouts, webpages, and even walls is: making disciples who make disciples. When we make disciples, we are leading others to see, and experience over a lifetime, the beauty, the sufficiency, and all-surpassing joy… Continue Reading

The Mark

The Mark Hello Church Family, As far as I know, no Sunday school teacher has ever instructed a child to “be like Cain.” Certainly, church kids are told all the time to emulate David, Abraham, Joseph or Job, often in moralistic fashion (in other churches, of course!), but, to my knowledge, Cain has never been… Continue Reading