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Craving Some “We Time”

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Marti Wiegman, Northpoint’s Director of Women’s Ministries. Craving Some “We Time” Dear Church Family, I spent many of my growing up years in a small town in Pennsylvania near a thriving Amish community. Many of their customs seemed strange to me as a kid:  no electricity, no cars, no “conveniences of this modern world.”… Continue Reading

The Joy of Meeting Face to Face: Social Media and Cyber Relationships

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Taylor Mendoza, Northpoint’s Junior High Ministry Intern. The Joy of Meeting Face to Face: Social Media and Cyber Relationships Dear Church Family, Every year, Instagram users upload 21.9 billion photos to the visual social network. According to a study done by the photo company Photoworld, it would take many lifetimes just… Continue Reading

Meetings with Hotdogs

Meetings with Hotdogs Dear Church Family, Our semi-annual Congregational Meeting is only about three weeks away. What? You don’t seem terribly excited. I get it. Congregational meetings are not typically the stuff of life-altering discussions and riveting gospel-exchanges. But they do provide a great opportunity to hear about (and praise God for) what He is… Continue Reading

July 5, 2015 – Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes Deadly Rituals Hosea 9-10 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: To those who reject His grace and spurn His authority, God ultimately brings judgment. To nations that ignore His precepts and flaunt His moral law, God promises His reproach. But amid warnings of impending doom, He whispers softly, “Repent; turn to me and live; I… Continue Reading

For Freedom Set Free

For Freedom Set Free Hello Church Family, I hope you’re planning on enjoying some extended time with friends and family over the next few days. My calendar is already full! After all, this weekend we celebrate the independence that we gained as a country some 239 years ago—all the benefits that come with being a… Continue Reading

Prayer for Our Nation

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Dave Dussault, a leader in Northpoint’s prayer ministry and former elder in the church. Prayer for Our Nation Dear Church Family, Independence Day is approaching. At a time when the news fills with reports of men and women openly rejecting God’s holy standards, Christians can… Continue Reading

She’s Still Beautiful

She’s Still Beautiful Dear Church Family, I hope you’re experiencing the joy of the Lord today.  My prayer for you this week has been that God would give you the grace to rest completely in Christ and His finished work on the cross. Several years ago, my family and I took a vacation to Myrtle… Continue Reading