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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Northpoint Hymn Sing

Northpoint Hymn Sing

Save the Date: On Saturday, September 25, we’ll gather for a Northpoint Hymn Sing, outside in the Heritage Courtyard, at 7:00 p.m. There will be special music and lots of congregational singing! Plan to be with us. Continue Reading

Walk for life Saturday Oct 2

Walk for life Saturday Oct 2

Walk for Life Saturday, October 2! Join us as we walk to raise awareness and funds for the important life-giving work of Corona Life Services, an organization we at Northpoint have strongly supported over the years. Encourage your friends to join you (and us) as we walk! Lee Pollard High School, 185 Magnolia Ave Corona 92882 Saturday, October 2,… Continue Reading

Men’s Taco Night

Men’s Taco Night

Hello, Men of Northpoint We will be enjoying a Men’s Taco Night on Monday, September 13, at 6:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall to help kick off the ministry year. As with our traditional steak dinners and cookouts in the past, all of you are invited. Whether you participate in Men of the Word (MOW – beginning September 20), Iron… Continue Reading

Greeters Needed

Greeters Needed

Are you looking for a place to serve? If so, consider being a Sunday morning greeter for both first and second service. This is a great way for families to serve together. You’d serve once a month from around 8:40 a.m to 9:15 a.m. for first service or 10:25 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for second. Interested? Contact Jim… Continue Reading

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!

Speaking of childcare (see above): Need a job? Love children? Childcare workers are needed! Northpoint is looking for childcare workers to cover Women of the Word on Wednesday mornings from 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m., and special events throughout the year. We pay minimum wage. If you enjoy working with children and teaching them God’s Word, please contact Laura Flood, Children’s Ministry Assistant, at 951.316.5855 or lflood@northpointcortona.org. Continue Reading

Congregational Meeting Materials

Congregational Meeting Materials

If you missed the Congregational Meeting last week, or if you were there and would like to refresh your memory, below you can view and download all the slides that were presented and the documents that were referenced:   1. Constitutional Meeting Packet Handout 2. 2021-22 Budget Slide Presentation 3. Constitution Update Slide Presentation 4. Bylaws… Continue Reading

7.25.2021 Congregational Meeting Documents

Below, you will find links to the slides presented and the documents referenced during the Congregational Meeting on July 25, 2021. 1. Constitutional Meeting Packet Handout 2. 2021-22 Budget Slide Presentation 3. Constitution Update Slide Presentation 4. Bylaws of the Evangelical Free Church of Corona – Annotated Handout 5. Constitution of the Evangelical Free Church of Corona… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Reaching His World – Love Your Neighbor as Yourself Luke 10:25-37 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The parable of the Good Samaritan has been allegorized to make a separate point entirely, or so minimized that it misses the point altogether. Yet, when rightly understood, it reminds us that… Continue Reading

VBS 2021

VBS 2021

Dear Northpoint Family, Last week, we finished our week of VBS 2021, The Full Armor of God. On Monday and Friday, we bookended the week by teaching on the gospel. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we looked at Ephesians 6:10-18 for the protection and the weapons God offers to those who belong to Him to… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Loving One Another: Stirring Up and Encouraging Hebrews 10:24-25 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Salvation is both an individual pursuit and a congregational project. Individually, we must come to terms with our sinful state and helplessness before God by recognizing the provision Christ has made for us and… Continue Reading