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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Host Families Needed

Host Families Needed

English speaking Christian families are needed to host Chinese students this summer for 1-2 week sessions. Families receive a $32.00 stipend per student, per night, or $224 per week (min. 2 students per home). You can make a huge impact on these students by opening your home. For more information or to sign up, please contact… Continue Reading

JH Summer Camp

JH Summer Camp

JH Summer Camp is almost here! JH is going to Yucaipa Regional Park, June 26-30. Please register Sunday mornings in the Foyer, in the Church Office during office hours (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.), or at Youth Group on Thursdays. Click here for more information. Continue Reading

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

Do you have a heart for reaching the growing number of Muslims in our area with the Good News about Jesus? Are you intimidated by the prospect of sharing your faith with a Muslim? Would you like more information about Islam and tips on how to initiate conversations with its devotees? Join us in our… Continue Reading

SM Summer Camp 2016

SM Summer Camp 2016

Senior High Summer Camp is here! SH is headed to Mile High Pines THIS coming Monday, June 6-10, and it’s not too late to get a spot! Register in the Church Office during office hours, or Sunday morning in the Foyer. JH Summer Camps is almost here! JH is going to Yucaipa Regional Park, June 26-30. Register Sunday mornings in the Foyer, the Church… Continue Reading

Help the Gamodobu Orphanage

Help the Gamodobu Orphanage

Thanks, Northpoint! You helped us collect the supplies we need for our visit to Gamodobu Orphanage just outside of Gaborone while on our mission trip to Botswana later this month. We could still use cash donations. Interested? Please call the Church Office at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading

Mothers’ Exchange – TOMORROW Morning!

Mothers’ Exchange – TOMORROW Morning!

Moms with infants through preschoolers are invited to join in a fun time of fellowship and encouragement THIS Friday, May 13, 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., in Heritage Hall. Bring your gently used children’s, women’s, and maternity clothing as well as toys and books.  The more you bring the more you get to swap!  To RSVP, text “SWAP” and… Continue Reading

SM Fundraising Dinner – THIS Saturday!

SM Fundraising Dinner – THIS Saturday!

During the summer of 2016, Northpoint Student Ministries will be sending over 25 of our youth on student mission teams to Athens, Greece, Tanalian Bible Camp in Port Alsworth, Alaska, and Gabarone, Botswana for a week of serving and spreading the gospel. These short-term mission trips are an incredible opportunity for our youth to grow… Continue Reading