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Category Archives: Uncategorized

SM Spring Break Happenings

SM Spring Break Happenings

Here’s what Student Ministries will be doing over spring break: April 4 – World Impact Service Day Details: We will be heading to Los Angeles to serve as a group. This is an ALL day event and you’ll need money for dinner and snacks. Limited spots available, so sign up with Jonathan. Continue Reading

SM Spain & Alaska Mission Fundraiser

SM Spain & Alaska Mission Fundraiser

The Student Ministry Mission Teams are offering on-going workdays as a fundraiser for upcoming mission trips to Spain and Alaska. If you need work done around the home (inside or out), please contact Carolee Jefferson at cjefferson@northpointcorona.org, or call the church office 951.734.1335. Carolee will get the appropriate team set up and send them out. We will need… Continue Reading

Growth Groups

Growth Groups

Did you miss the opportunity to get involved with a Northpoint Growth Group last September? If that’s you, there’s another chance to join. We have a few spots open now, so get connected! Please contact Amber McEwen at 951.281. 2830.   Continue Reading

Carranza Mission Trip

Carranza Mission Trip

The next Carranza Mission Trip is November 7-9, 2014. If you are interested in going, you’ll need a passport! Get the process started now at the Corona Public Library (visit site for days and hours), and at the Corona US Post Office (414 W. Grand Blvd). We will be returning to partner with Mt. Sinai Baptist… Continue Reading



If you give online through Northpoint’s website, be sure to check your account periodically to ensure that the giving function is enabled. The site limits the number of consecutive giving opportunities, so you must occasionally reset giving. Click here to give online. Continue Reading

A Mother’s Place – TOMORROW!

A Mother’s Place – TOMORROW!

Hey moms! A Mother’s Place is TOMORROW morning, February 21, at 9:00 a.m., in Heritage Hall. Marti Wiegman, Director of Wiomen’s Ministries, will be there to discuss: The Value of Vulnerability. Whether you’re about to be a mother for the first time, a grandmother, or somewhere in between, A Mother’s Place is just for you! Click… Continue Reading