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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Christmas Tea Auditions 2022

Christmas Tea Auditions 2022

It’s Tea Time! Calling all singers and actors to audition for the 2022 Christmas Tea. Join us on Sunday, May 29, in Heritage Hall, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come prepared with a song and/or a short monologue. Beginning in mid-August, rehearsals will be on two Sundays per month, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Continue Reading

NP Missions Week 2022 – THIS Week

NP Missions Week 2022 – THIS Week

Northpoint’s 2022 Missions Conference is happening THIS week, May 12-15. Our theme will be Partnership in Mission: For Taking the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth, or “የወንጌል ማሕበርተኛነት” (Yewengel Mahbertegnanet). Our main speakers will be Dr. Semeon Mulatu, author, Principal at Evangelical Theological College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Chairman of the Elders Board at Mekanissa Kale Heywot Church, and… Continue Reading

All-church Breakfast

All-church Breakfast

The May Men’s Breakfast is now an All-church Breakfast! Given that the breakfast is set to happen right in the middle of Missions Week (see above), we’ll take the opportunity to connect the two events for an All-church Missions Breakfast. Men and women are invited to share a hot meal and be encouraged by a special message from Steve Smeltzer of ReachGlobal… Continue Reading

Considering Baptism?

Considering Baptism?

Our next baptism service will be Sunday, June 5. If you’re thinking of getting baptized, there will be short interest meetings THIS Sunday, April 24, before and after second service. For more information, contact Megan Cordill at mcordill@northpointcorona.org, or call the Church Office at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading

Understanding Your Heart

Understanding Your Heart

Began Sunday, February 20, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commons What is the heart? How do we change our hearts? What does the heart respond to? Pastor Taylor Mendoza will look at the human heart biblically, theologically, and practically with the new seven-week class, Understanding Your Heart. Each session will include a review of the… Continue Reading



Join us for our biannual Women’s Retreat, coming April 29 – May 1, 2022, in Costa Mesa, the city of the arts! The theme of the retreat is Shine – how to shine the light of Jesus right where you are. Our in-house speakers include Marti Wiegman, Amber McEwen, and Holli Worthington. They will be teaching on women… Continue Reading