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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Understanding Your Heart

Understanding Your Heart

Began Sunday, February 20, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commons What is the heart? How do we change our hearts? What does the heart respond to? Pastor Taylor Mendoza will look at the human heart biblically, theologically, and practically with the new seven-week class, Understanding Your Heart. Each session will include a review of the… Continue Reading



Join us for our biannual Women’s Retreat, coming April 29 – May 1, 2022, in Costa Mesa, the city of the arts! The theme of the retreat is Shine – how to shine the light of Jesus right where you are. Our in-house speakers include Marti Wiegman, Amber McEwen, and Holli Worthington. They will be teaching on women… Continue Reading

Griefshare – Grief Support Group

Griefshare – Grief Support Group

GriefShare is a ministry for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Northpoint is co-hosting a new session with Living Truth Fellowship. The gatherings begin February 8, at 7:00 p.m., at Living Truth. Anyone is welcome to join at any time. Register HERE or at the door. Scholarships are available. For more information, please get in touch with… Continue Reading

Giving Statements 2021

Giving Statements 2021

Giving statements for 2021 have been emailed. Individuals who do not have an email on file with us will receive their copy in the mail. If you have any questions, please contact Corie Saunders at csaunders@northpointcorona.org.  Continue Reading

Football & Fellowship – January 10

Football & Fellowship – January 10

SAVE THE DATE! All Men of Northpoint! You are invited to join us TONIGHT, January 10, for a night of food, fellowship, and football as we “kick-off” the New Year by watching the College Football Championship Game together. We’ll have snacks, drinks, and food starting at 5:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall. Please feel free to bring a friend or two and watch… Continue Reading

NP Christmas Worship Night December 19

NP Christmas Worship Night December 19

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the old song goes. Yet, it doesn’t always feel that way—the hectic holiday schedule, family pressures, and emotional wounds are just a few reasons. But Northpoint sees the Christmas season as one that offers a unique opportunity to experience God’s love and grace in the… Continue Reading