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Where is Our Worship Headed? Hello Family, When I talk to people that I meet about Northpoint (which I love to do, because I love our church), they almost invariably ask: “What’s your church like?” It’s a great question. And it gives me a chance to share some of our distinctives—some of the things that… Continue Reading

NP on the Radio!

NP on the Radio!

Northpoint is currently engaged in a two-year program of training pastors and church planters in Northeast India. The goal of the program is to have a multiplying impact for the gospel in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan by providing church leaders with training that can be easily replicated in their own ministry settings. If you… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides – 8.10.2014

Click here for PDF 8.10.2014 Sermon Notes Caught in a Thicket (The Glory of God’s Provision) Genesis 22 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Some commands of God are mystifying. For example, how could God tell Abraham to slaughter his only son? This atrocity was also committed in ancient Egypt, where the Pharaoh ordered that all Israelite… Continue Reading



There are two memorial services next week at Northpoint and food is needed. Here’s how you can help: 1.  Millie Nystrom, a Northpoint member and part of our seniors’ group, passed away earlier this week. Her memorial service will be held this Sunday, August 3, at 4 p.m., in the Auditorium. We are looking to… Continue Reading

A New Year Begins Today Dear Church Family, I hope you’re enjoying your summer and finding refreshment by taking a break from the normal routine. Unlike the calendar year, which (naturally) runs from January through December, Northpoint’s fiscal year goes from August 1 to July 31. Which means that a new ministry year (2014-2015) begins… Continue Reading

Who is My Neighbor?

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. Who is My Neighbor? That is the question posed to Jesus by an expert of the law that elicited the story of the Good Samaritan. The parable itself was essentially Jesus’ definition of the term ‘neighbor.’ Our… Continue Reading