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Sermon Notes & Slides 1.17.2016

Sermon Notes Being the Body 1 Timothy 5:17-25 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: When God saves us, supernaturally making us new creatures by his grace and through faith in Jesus, he saves us not only from sin and death and to works of obedience, but he also rescues us from our independence. He places us into… Continue Reading

The Tree Has Fallen

The Tree Has Fallen Dear Church Family, I’ve been praying much for you this week, that God would enable you to find your encouragement in the Lord (1. Sam 30:6). We’ve had an incredible amount of rain this week, haven’t we? In the almost six years that I’ve lived in Corona, I can’t recall experiencing… Continue Reading

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Hello Church Family, I often hear parents of adult children talk about how much pleasure they derive from getting everyone together for the holidays. I know my own mother is giddy with excitement when my sister’s crew, as well as mine, join her in the mountains of middle Tennessee. But making such a… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides 12.20.2015

Sermon Notes A Great and Terrible Light Matthew 2:1-12 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: According to historians, in the year Jesus was born, there occurred a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, which created a powerful and majestic heavenly light. This phenomenon was the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy which said, concerning the Messiah, that… Continue Reading

O Come, O Come

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Pastor Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. O Come, O Come Hello Church Family, As I compared notes with some of my colleagues recently, we agreed that many of the carols that we sing during the Advent season contain some of the richest… Continue Reading

Unhindered Worship

Unhindered Worship Hello Church Family, I’m looking forward to this upcoming Lord’s Day. We’re going to sing some classic Christmas songs (among others), pray and participate in communion together, and hear a word from our God. I was reading in the Scriptures this week about the transition in Israel’s leadership between King Saul and his… Continue Reading