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As was announced last Sunday, Northpoint is excited to be helping support the planting of a new church in Africa! The church will be called Gaborone Chapel, and is located in Gaborone, the capital city of Botswana. Here’s how you can help: we’re asking for 80 families to commit to giving $5.00 each week for… Continue Reading

6.7.2014 Download PDF Sermon Notes So Close, Yet So Far Away Hosea 6 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: An expedient religiosity. That’s nothing more than a fancy way of describing what some would call a “foxhole religion.” It works like this: when things are going horribly, we feel the pressure of the world creeping in, and… Continue Reading

Making Disciples by Planting Churches

6.11.2015 This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Pastor Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. Making Disciples by Planting Churches The stated mission of our church is a summary of the Great Commission: to make disciples who make disciples. There are many strategies for making disciples, but only one has… Continue Reading

Military Prayer Ministry Update

Military Prayer Ministry Update

We are again updating the roster of Northpoint’s active duty (home and abroad) military men and women so that we can distribute their prayer needs to the various Northpoint prayer groups, and so that we can update (add to, or delete) their photos in the Heritage Patio Military Display Case. If you would like to… Continue Reading

Bruce Jenner and the Nature of Love

6.4.2015 Bruce Jenner and the Nature of Love Dear Church Family, What a rapidly changing culture we live in. On Monday of this week, former Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner announced to the world that he was now “Caitlyn” and should be referred to as such. In a few subsequent hours, Caitlyn’s new twitter account… Continue Reading

Catch, (Train), and Release

Catch, (Train), and Release Dear Church Family, After the Apostle Paul planted the church at Ephesus, he sent Timothy, his young protégé, to oversee the doctrine and the growth of this fledgling congregation. But lest Timothy be inclined to “protect his territory,” lead every ministry, or do all the teaching, Paul instructed him rather forcefully:… Continue Reading

Redemption Song

5.24.2015 Print PDF Sermon Notes Redemption Song Hosea 2 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: Israel, God’s bride, has abandoned Him, bowed down before other gods, even adorned herself with the clothing of other lovers. What does God conclude when He sees His wife hanging on another man? Does He decide to destroy her? Does He determine… Continue Reading

Is Guilt from God?

Is Guilt from God? Dear Church Family, I’ve been praying much for you this week. And by God’s grace, I’ve also seen some incredible answers to prayer, as well. We say it all the time, but it’s true: God is so good. Over the last couple of months, I’ve had a number of conversations about… Continue Reading

Celebration Choir Concert – Mass Praise – SUNDAY!

Celebration Choir Concert – Mass Praise – SUNDAY!

Come enjoy the final concert of the 2014/2015 season, as the Celebration Choir presents Mass Praise. Mass Praise is a concert featuring the five sections of the traditional Mass format, but done using classical, traditional and contemporary pieces. Through music, we will walk through the historical structure for worship that guides us even today. Join… Continue Reading