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Category Archives: Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES In the Beginning, God Said Genesis 1:1-31 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The Bible begins with the assertion that God speaks and all creation obediently responds. With His Word, God creates out of nothing, brings order out of chaos, makes distinctions in accordance with His will, pronounces a blessing on… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES In the Beginning, God Created Genesis 1:1-25 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The book of Genesis is a battleground for critics and defenders of the Bible in areas such as creation vs. evolution, human dignity vs. human depravity, global vs. local flood, and history vs. mythology. Such debates are modern… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Reaching His World – Love Your Neighbor as Yourself Luke 10:25-37 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The parable of the Good Samaritan has been allegorized to make a separate point entirely, or so minimized that it misses the point altogether. Yet, when rightly understood, it reminds us that… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Reaching His World: Go and Make Disciples Matthew 28:16-20 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The Great Commission is a modern term applied to the final words of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel. Although the terminology itself is recent, the application is ancient in that God is a missionary God who has… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Loving One Another: Stirring Up and Encouraging Hebrews 10:24-25 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Salvation is both an individual pursuit and a congregational project. Individually, we must come to terms with our sinful state and helplessness before God by recognizing the provision Christ has made for us and… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Loving One Another: Stirring Up and Encouraging Hebrews 10:24-25 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Salvation is both an individual pursuit and a congregational project. Individually, we must come to terms with our sinful state and helplessness before God by recognizing the provision Christ has made for us and our need… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving One Another: Confessing Sins, Praying, and Bearing Burdens James 5:16; Galatians 6:2 Woody Armstrong, Northpoint Elder Overview: To be a real church, to be a powerful church of the Lord, we must first and foremost recognize our brokenness. Then, as His church, we must model for the world owning our… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving One Another: Patience, Forgiveness, and Thankfulness Ephesians 4:2, 32; 5:19 Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Students and Young Adults   Overview: For three whole chapters, the apostle Paul has been laying out God’s vision for world history. Through Jesus Christ, who died for sinners and was raised from the dead, God is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving One Another: Accept, Honor, and Serve John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 15:17 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview:  “Loving God, loving one another, and reaching His world” is more than a mission statement – it is a combination of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, both of which are given to… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

6.13.2021 Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving God: Mind and Strength Mark 12:28-34 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: When asked to name the most important commandment, Jesus replied that loving God and loving others sums up all other commandments. In terms of loving God, Jesus stated that we are to love God with our heart and… Continue Reading