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Category Archives: Uncategorized



We’re back to meeting outdoors and live streaming for our Sunday morning services—at least for the time being. Here’s how Sundays look: At 9:00 a.m., we meet in-person at Northpoint, outside, on the Heritage Courtyard, while children meet for their own program. (Click HERE for details.) At 10:45 a.m., we meet online, on Facebook and YouTube, for our live-stream-only service. If… Continue Reading

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

The holidays can be a very difficult time if we have lost a loved one. Griefshare, a Northpoint ministry, will be joining with Calvary Chapel Corona and Living Truth Christian Fellowship for Surviving the Holidays, a one-time gathering to help, encourage, and enable you to not only survive the coming holidays but to also face them with… Continue Reading

Baptism 2020

Baptism 2020

Our next baptism service will be Sunday, November 1. If you’ve been thinking about being baptized, please contact Megan Cordill at mcordill@northpointcorona.org for information or to sign up. Continue Reading

Men’s Breakfast with Doug Mazza

Men’s Breakfast with Doug Mazza

Gentlemen! Our next Men’s Breakfast happens Saturday, October 17, at 8:00 a.m., in Heritage Hall. We’ll share a breakfast burrito, fellowship, and hear an encouraging message from our own Doug Mazza, who will be sharing his story of how, while at the peak of corporate success at the highest levels of the US automotive industry, he and his wife suffered a devastating… Continue Reading

Iron Sharpen Iron Men’s Study

Iron Sharpen Iron Men’s Study

Iron Sharpens Iron is a Men’s Bible Study aimed at improving Bible study skills. Whether a novice or a seasoned veteran in the study of the Bible, this study will help you acquire new skills and sharpens old ones as you learn together with others. This year, we will be studying the book of Romans. Click HERE to… Continue Reading

Police & Fire Gift Baskets

Police & Fire Gift Baskets

Dear Church Family, I trust that you are doing well and staying healthy. I want to give you a brief update on our recent effort to reaching out and honoring our first responders and police officers in Corona. Six weeks ago, we announced a church-wide campaign to collect letters of appreciation and encouragement, along with… Continue Reading

URGENT NEED for Ryan Sell!

URGENT NEED for Ryan Sell!

URGENT NEED! Ryan Sell, who is a part of Mike and Kathy Larsen’s Northpoint Growth Group, is in urgent need of a kidney. His health is failing fast, and because of that, he requires hemodialysis three days a week. If you are free of chronic illness and would consider donating a kidney, please take the time to… Continue Reading

Special Online Prayer Gathering

Special Online Prayer Gathering

Northpoint is planning to join with two prayer events in Washington D.C. on September 26. Both events involve calling on God for the sake of our country. We’ll gather online for a Zoom event: Franklin Graham’s Prayer March around the Mall at 12:00 p.m. The Return taking place at 9:00 a.m. between the Washington Monument and Capitol Hill.… Continue Reading

Congregational Meeting – TONIGHT!

Congregational Meeting – TONIGHT!

A Special Congregational Meeting has been scheduled for TONIGHT, September 12, on campus, after our evening service (at around 7:45 p.m.), to present the Elder candidates, James Aeschliman, Mark Blincoe, and Perry Schaefer for affirmation. (See their bios HERE.) The meeting will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube for those who can’t attend in person. The meeting will be in-person on campus and… Continue Reading