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The Latest from Northpoint – 4.2.2020

To our Northpoint Church family, For years, we have all used expressions like “we’re going to church” or “I’ll see you at church.” We all knew what we meant: the church as a place, a building, or a landmark. We’re now learning every day what “church” really means: people, connections, love, service, and a source… Continue Reading

March 29, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

Restore Us Again Psalm 85 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: The Psalmist recognizes how good the Lord has been to His people despite their previous failure to follow Him faithfully. Without giving the full background, he recalls a time in Israel’s past when the Lord withdrew His wrath, forgave His people and restored their fortunes.… Continue Reading

My Help Comes from the Lord

My Help Comes from the Lord Psalm 121 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Psalm 121 is part of a larger section of “Songs of Ascent.” These songs were sung by worshippers as they approached Jerusalem, which was an uphill climb for everyone. As the Psalmist journeys all the way to the steps of the Temple,… Continue Reading

Northpoint’s Response to the COVID-19 Virus

Northpoint’s Response to the COVID-19 Virus

Dear Northpoint Family, We are writing to give you an update on gatherings here at the church and to provide biblical encouragement with respect to the COVID-19 virus. The potential spread and danger of this virus have led state officials to prohibit gatherings of 250 or more people and to discourage gatherings of 10 or… Continue Reading

Greece Mission Trip 2020

Greece Mission Trip 2020

Northpoint is going on a mission trip to Athens, Greece, from June 17-30, 2020! The trip is open to anyone 16 years old and over. The cost is $2,750. Our time will be focused on strengthening a church plant in the Athens neighborhood of Kypseli, as the congregation prepares to move into a larger building. In addition,… Continue Reading