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February 9, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes & Slides We Proclaim the Lord’s Death 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: The institution of the Lord’s Supper occurred on the night Jesus was betrayed and was subsequently observed by the early church on a regular basis. The symbolism of the bread and cup were visible reminders of the great… Continue Reading

January 26, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes & Slides Is It Nothing to You, All Who Pass By? Lamentations Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: The book of Lamentations invites us to feel the brokenness of God’s people as they express grief over the destruction of Jerusalem, a national tragedy of epic proportions. The once-thriving city is now abandoned; laughter has… Continue Reading

January 19, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes & Slides Set Your House in Order Isaiah 38-39 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Hezekiah lived a remarkable life during very remarkable times. He was King over Judah, he initiated religious reforms, resisted Assyrian aggression, and oversaw major construction projects. In spite of all his successes, however, he faced an enemy—death—over which he… Continue Reading

Special Memorial Fund

Special Memorial Fund

Northpoint has set up a Special Memorial Fund for the families of Drake Ruiz, Jacob Ivascu, and Daniel Hawkins. Click HERE to connect to our secure giving site. The Memorial Fund is a ministry fund of Northpoint Evangelical Free Church, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All funds designated and donated to this fund will go to defray the cost of medical… Continue Reading

Sovereign and Sorrowing

1.30.2020 Sovereign and Sorrowing By Holli Worthington Northpoint Women’s Ministries Most of us do not know the unique pain and sorrow that those who recently lost their sons are going through. But we do know they are our brothers and sisters in Christ, they are our church family, they are our dear friends, and we grieve with… Continue Reading

Memorial Service

Memorial Service

The memorial service to celebrate the lives of Drake, Daniel, and Jacob will be at Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, Tuesday, January 28, at 4:00 p.m. The service will also be live-streamed; we will provide details when available. Continue Reading

Funeral Service for Drake, Daniel, & Jacob

Funeral Service for Drake, Daniel, & Jacob

This coming Wednesday, January 29, Northpoint will be hosting the funeral for Drake Ruiz, Daniel Hawkins, and Jacob Ivascu. This service, open to the young men’s families, friends, and those who fellowship here, will take place in the Worship Center, at 5:00 p.m. A reception will follow in Heritage Hall. Childcare for children birth-1st grade will be provided for the service… Continue Reading

An Update on the Tragic Collision

1.23.2020 Dear Church Family, On Monday, we gathered to pray for the Hawkins, Ivascu, Ruiz, and Campusano families. We are coordinating efforts and assistance to the family (click HERE for more information and to donate). We share their shock and grief. As we all process the tragic loss that has impacted the families in our church, we… Continue Reading

Candlelight Vigil

Candlelight Vigil

Our friends at Olive Branch Church have invited us to a candlelight vigil THIS Friday to remember the families and those we’ve lost in the recent car collision. Here’s the invitation they sent to Northpoint: Northpoint Church Family, This Friday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m., Olive Branch Church & School will be hosting a candlelight vigil on our property located on the corner of Trilogy… Continue Reading