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4.7.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes & Slides Your Redemption is Drawing Near Luke 21 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: As the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry draws near, He explains to the disciples how the temple, and ultimately the world, will come to an end. His prophecy portrays terrifying events occurring locally which also point to… Continue Reading

How to Walk in Jesus

How to Walk in Jesus By Pastor Taylor Mendoza Northpoint’s Student Ministries Hello Church Family, Christians grow the most when their lives revolve around Jesus Christ. We could call this a “Christocentric lifestyle.” This means that every moment of your life has some connection to our Lord and Savior. Although the apostle Paul didn’t use… Continue Reading

Freedom, Community, Meaning

Freedom, Community, Meaning By Geoff Grant Northpoint’s Director of Worship Arts Hello Church Family, Perhaps some of you remember meeting my good friend and mentor, Justin Francis, during our recent Night of Psalms. Justin has been integral to my development as a worship pastor, and most of whatever wisdom I could lay claim to would likely be… Continue Reading

At Home and Abroad

At Home and Abroad By Tamene Menna Pastoral Assistant Hello Church Family, Fourteen years ago, when I was in Ethiopia, I came across a mission group that was passionate to share the gospel. I quickly learned that the team came from America to reach unreached people groups in Ethiopia. At that time, I was a… Continue Reading

Communion Prep Team

Communion Prep Team

Help is needed on the NP Communion Prep Team. Once a month, you’d serve either before first service prepping communion trays, or before and after second service, prepping and then cleaning up. Either way, the job would take about 35 minutes. Interested? Contact Michele Balga at 951.734.1335. Continue Reading

3.31.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes & Slide Who Gave You This Authority? Luke 20 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Luke depicts a series of interactions between Jesus and those who have plotted to destroy Him. The first interaction revolves around the question of authority in which Jesus silences his critics by exposing their unwillingness to accede… Continue Reading

An Update From the NP Leadership Team

An Update From the NP Leadership Team By Mark Kiker Elder Chair Hello Church Family, The Northpoint Leadership Team has been meeting with a focus on planning and progress on several items. We are making good strides forward and want to quickly update you on several areas. We have divided up the leadership team’s workload into subcommittees… Continue Reading

A Night of Psalms

A Night of Psalms

To celebrate the release of Geoff and Chelsea Grants’ album, Songs from Psalms, join us in Heritage Hall THIS Sunday, March 31, at 6:00 p.m., for A Night of Psalms. Coffee and hors d’oeuvres will be served for a coffee house concert of Songs from Psalms, featuring a brand new song composed for the evening! CDs… Continue Reading

3.24.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes & Slide The Time of Your Visitation Luke 19 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Luke highlights a number of responses to Jesus as He draws near and enters Jerusalem. Zacchaeus, who has spent much of his adult life taking advantage of the Jewish people, responds by repenting of his past sins… Continue Reading

3.17.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes & Slides Everyone Who Exalts Himself Will Be Humbled Luke 18 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: This chapter in Luke’s gospel contains two parables, two encounters, and two brief but important sayings. The parable of the persistent widow teaches us not to lose heart in praying, while the parable of the… Continue Reading