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Military Prayer Update

Military Prayer Update

Bernice Macmillan and her prayer team have long prayed for military personnel associated with the Northpoint family. In an effort to stay updated, Bernice would like you to take a look at their prayer list and let her know if anyone on it is no longer in the military, or if there are names left off.… Continue Reading

Parent-Child Dedication

10.26.2017 This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Scott Williams, Northpoint’s Pastor of Adults and Families. Parent-Child Dedication On November 5, we will have our next Parent-Child Dedication service here at Northpoint. For many families, this is an important time, as parents commit before the Lord to raise their children in a godly home. I remember when Kim and I dedicated our first child. As… Continue Reading

Reformation Celebration – Luther Documentary TOMORROW!

Reformation Celebration – Luther Documentary TOMORROW!

THIS Friday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m., in Heritage Hall, we’ll screen the new documentary film, Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer, narrated by Barry Cooper of Christianity Explored Ministries. Dessert will be served and the film viewing will be followed by a brief discussion of some of the important themes. Join us as we mark the 500th anniversary… Continue Reading

10.22.2017 Sermon Notes & Slides

Become Like Children Matthew 18:1-6 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: In a moment of candor and intimacy, Jesus informs his disciples, who have been traveling with him for three years, that he will soon die. Specifically, he will be delivered into the hands of men and they will kill him. Naturally, upon hearing the news, the… Continue Reading

A Quincentennial Celebration

10.19.2017 This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Pastor Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. A Quincentennial Celebration On October 31, we will remember the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. This is a big deal; quincentennial anniversaries don’t come around very often. Most things simply don’t have that kind of longevity. It certainly wasn’t clear in the… Continue Reading

A Neglected Priority

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Dave Dussault of Northpoint’s Prayer Ministry.   Each week, our own Dave Dussault writes Prayer Life, NP’s weekly prayer guide. You can get it via email by contacting him at davedussault21@gmail.com, or you can pick up a copy at the Information Center in the Foyer each Sunday.   Here’s what Dave sent out last week:   A Neglected… Continue Reading

Reformation Celebration – DETAILS!

Reformation Celebration – DETAILS!

October 31, 2017, will mark the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 theses, an event which sparked the Protestant Reformation. Here at Northpoint, we will celebrate this milestone with two events over the weekend of October 27-29: First, Friday, October 27, we will screen the new documentary film, Luther: The Life and… Continue Reading