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Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Loving One Another: Stirring Up and Encouraging Hebrews 10:24-25 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Salvation is both an individual pursuit and a congregational project. Individually, we must come to terms with our sinful state and helplessness before God by recognizing the provision Christ has made for us and our need… Continue Reading

Northpoint Night of Worship

Northpoint Night of Worship

Join us for a Northpoint Worship Night THIS Saturday, June 26, at 6:00 p.m. Together, we’ll consider the themes and songs of worship through the ages. We’ll think of His goodness and love, the joy of His salvation, and the “old hallelujah with a new melody.” So, let’s gather on this special night when we’ll… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving One Another: Accept, Honor, and Serve John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 15:17 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview:  “Loving God, loving one another, and reaching His world” is more than a mission statement – it is a combination of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, both of which are given to… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

6.6.2021 Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Loving God: Heart and Soul Matthew 22:34-40 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Our mission at Northpoint is to love God, love one another, and reach out to His world. This mission is basic yet fundamental; and it is intentionally unoriginal. Our call to love God and to love one another… Continue Reading

Graduation Announcement

Graduation Announcement

This year, we want to honor teachers, teachers’ aids, administrators, school board members, and college instructors/professors with their own congratulatory announcement on June 13. Let us know! Please be sure to contact Megan Cordill at mcordill@northpointcorona.org. Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

5.23.21 Click here for PDF Sermon Notes The Lord Showed Him All the Land Deuteronomy 31-34 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Moses’ life comes to a close before Israel enters the Promised Land. Though he delivered Israel from Egypt and led them through the wilderness, Moses was prohibited from crossing the Jordan after breaking faith… Continue Reading

Town Hall Meeting – TODAY

Town Hall Meeting – TODAY

TODAY! There will be a special Town Hall Meeting TODAY, April 25, at 4:00 p.m., in-person at Northpoint, and live-streaming on Facebook and YouTube. We’ll take time to interact with Dr. Tamene Menna, our candidate for Pastor of Membership, Missions, and Care, about the position. Childcare to sixth-grade with reservation. If you want to reserve a spot for your child for this event, please email Karen Sherwood… Continue Reading

Women’s Conference THIS Saturday!

Women’s Conference THIS Saturday!

Our Women’s Conference is coming to Northpoint THIS Saturday, April 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our theme is This Changes EVERYTHING—a study through the book of James. Our guest speaker is Martha Harding, Women’s Ministries Director at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita. The cost is $20.00 for live participation and a catered box lunch. (To get the boxed lunch,… Continue Reading

Northpoint Missions Conference 2021

Northpoint Missions Conference 2021

In 1975, five Corona families gathered together with the desire to plant a church to impact their community for Christ. 46 years later, Northpoint stands as a testimony to the Sovereign plan of God and what He can do with people following His will. Beginning Thursday, April 22, and running through Sunday, April 25, we will celebrate… Continue Reading