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SM Fall Fun Night

SM Fall Fun Night

This Friday, October 29, from 6:00 p.m.-9 p.m., Student Ministries will be celebrating the season by playing games, painting pumpkins, dressing up, and enjoying fellowship with one another. Both JH and SH are welcome! The cost is $15.00 cash or check. Food and drinks will be provided. Please feel free to invite your friends. This is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Adopted: From Orphan-Slave to Child of God Galatians 4:4-7 Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Students & Young Adults Overview: Adoption is a biblical word. It is a God word. In God’s family, there are no biological children, only adopted ones. These truths are reflected in the words of the late J. I.… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF Sermon Notes Enoch Walked with God Genesis 5 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The book of the generations of Adam provides a select list of descendants from the beginning of history to the time of the flood. It is a genealogy that is historical in nature, theological in substance, individual in focus,… Continue Reading

Hostesses Needed: Sign Up Now!

Hostesses Needed: Sign Up Now!

Christmas Tea Hostess sign-ups have begun! There is still time to sign-up to hostess a table A Northpoint tradition, our Ladies’ Christmas Tea is a festive outreach designed to bring the message of Christ to hundreds during this special season. This year’s production, Away from a Manger, is presented as a mystery dinner theater. The Tea is offered at three… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Sin is Crouching, but You Must Rule Over It Genesis 4:7 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: When Cain’s offering fell short of God’s requirements, the Lord admonished him to recognize the danger that was lurking and called on him to address the situation accordingly. The fact that sin was crouching… Continue Reading

Coffee Ministry Opportunities

Coffee Ministry Opportunities

Looking for a place to serve? NP has immediate openings on our Sunday morning Coffee Ministry rotation. Here’s what you’d do once a month: arrive between 8:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m., brew the coffee, set up the two tables on the Heritage Patio, and then head out for your 9:00 a.m. Sunday school class or… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES Sin is Crouching at the Door Genesis 4 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The hardships of life outside of the garden begin to unfold as Adam and Eve have children whose lives take remarkably different paths. Cain and Abel are productive in subduing the earth and exercising dominion over the… Continue Reading



Wondering how our students are staying connected to God’s Word? Each week our Senior High students meet every Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:00   Our Junior High students meet on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30.  Both groups meet for games, worship, small sermon, and then small group time. You can check out our Student Ministry Instagram page HERE.  Continue Reading

Sermon Notes and Slides

Click here for PDF SERMON NOTES East of Eden Genesis 3:8-24 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Adam and Eve’s attempt to cover their sins and hide from the Lord proves to be futile as they are called to account for their actions. It is immediately clear that neither will admit their fault; instead, they shift the… Continue Reading