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Thank You from Northpoint Church

Thank You from Northpoint Church

Dear Church Family, I trust that you all are doing well and have continued to keep your confidence in the Lord as you navigate these challenging and uncertain times. At Northpoint, we believe the gospel of Jesus is the message that the world desperately needs to hear, and we are committed to proclaim it in… Continue Reading

August 2, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

8.2.2020 Click HERE to download Sermon Notes, Slides, & Song Sheets No One Dared to Ask Him Any More Questions Mark 12:13-34 Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus continues to be confronted by religious authorities who have determined to bring an end to His ministry. By asking a series of difficult questions, they hope to trap Jesus in… Continue Reading

Wonderful Word Wednesdays

Wonderful Word Wednesdays

Hey NP K!DS, Wonderful Word Wednesday #5 is here! Just like last week, we have a separate video for the opening/worship time. That is, all grades will watch the opening/worship video first and then watch their respective video (Preschool-Kindergarten, 1st-3rd Grades, and 4th-6th Grades) for the teaching and craft times, and the activity challenge. You can also view each video on the Northpoint YouTube channel. Click HERE to watch the… Continue Reading

July 26, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

7.26.2020 Click HERE to download Sermon Notes, Slides, & Song Sheets The Stone that the Builders Rejected Mark 11:27-12:1-12 David Gantenbein, Executive Pastor Candidate Overview: This passage shows us Jesus repeating himself. The repetition of themes in Mark is not a lack of imagination on the author’s part. Rather, it conveys a very important lesson for us. Jesus has… Continue Reading

Gantenbein Candidate Weekend

Gantenbein Candidate Weekend

David Gantenbein, Northpoint’s Candidate for Executive Pastor, is preaching during our 9:00 a.m. live stream service. Watch on on Facebook and YouTube. On Sunday, August 2, at 6:30 p.m., we’ll gather on Facebook and YouTube and on campus, for our Congregational Meeting. There, we’ll be able to ask questions of the Pastor Search Committee and the Leadership Team in preparation for Executive Pastor Vote that will… Continue Reading

NP Constitutional Change

NP Constitutional Change

A Change to be Considered: Northpoint EFC Constitution To modify our Constitution to clarify our rules for calling a pastor. The Issue: An inconsistency between the requirements of our Constitution (the church bylaws) and our actual practices has been identified. Here is the specific text, extracted from the Constitution as it was drafted and approved in… Continue Reading

July 19, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

7.19.2020 Click HERE to download Sermon Notes, Slides, & Song Sheets Sermon Notes He Went into the Temple Mark 11:1-26 Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem signals an opportunity for Israel to receive her Messiah, yet it quickly leads to confrontation instead. In accordance with Old Testament prophecy and accompanied by great fanfare, Jesus humbly… Continue Reading

July 12, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

7.12.2020 Click HERE to download Sermon Notes, Slides, & Song Sheets Sermon Notes The Son of Man Came to Serve Mark 10:17-32-52 Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: As Jesus continues His journey towards Jerusalem, He informs the disciples about His reception as it relates to His mission. Instead of being received as the promised Messiah, Jesus will be… Continue Reading

Sunday Services Online Only

Sunday Services Online Only

THIS Sunday, we’ll gather on Facebook and YouTube, at 9:00 a.m., to live-stream our service. Pastor Tony Chute will continue with our study in Mark: The Lord Said to My Lord, Mark 12:35-44), where we’ll see Jesus reveal his exalted status as David’s Lord while also noting His concern for the lowly. Can’t make the live-stream? Watch it at your leisure HERE. Continue Reading

July 5, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides

7.5.2020 Click HERE to download Sermon Notes, Slides, & Song Sheets Sermon Notes What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? Mark 10:17-31  Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: As Jesus continues His journey to Jerusalem, He is approached by a man whose life is fulfilled but whose soul is empty. The man enjoys the blessings of youth, success,… Continue Reading