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2.17.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes & Slides Lord, Teach Us to Pray Text: Luke 11 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: Luke’s account of the life of Jesus includes a remarkable section on the importance, pattern, and expectations of prayer. In response to his disciples’ request, Jesus taught believers to approach God lovingly and reverently; to request… Continue Reading

Songs Northpoint Sings

2.14.2019 Songs Northpoint Sings By Geoff Grant Northpoint’s Director of Worship Arts  From time to time, I receive questions about the songs we sing together on Sunday mornings. At Northpoint, we sing a wealth of themes and types of songs. We sing songs composed hundreds of years ago and songs composed days ago. We try… Continue Reading

2.10.2019 Sermon Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Slides A Vision for Christian Mission Luke 10 Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Student Ministries 1. A Laser-Focused Mission: Embrace the mission of making disciples who make disciples with urgency.  2. A Word-Balanced Message: Keep the bad news and the good news of the gospel connected in your proclamation.  3. A Christ-Compelling Love: Love… Continue Reading

The Helper

2.7.2019 The Helper Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. … He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All… Continue Reading

NP K!DS’ Choir 2019

NP K!DS’ Choir 2019

The NP K!DS’ Choir (grades 1-6) is back for our spring season! We are learning and performing a fun Easter musical, Back to the Cross, that will take us through several different styles of music (and costumes, and manners of speech). It will be a blast! We have a lot of parts of various sizes… Continue Reading

The Trinity:  Is Three  A Crowd? THIS Sunday!

The Trinity: Is Three A Crowd? THIS Sunday!

The Trinity, does the Bible teach it? Does it have any practical relevance to the everyday life of Christians? The Trinity is one of the most difficult doctrines of Christianity to understand. It seems that many times Christians have an imbalanced view of God. For example, who is the Holy Spirit? Is He divine? Is… Continue Reading

2.3.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes Who, Then, is This? Text: Luke 8 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: One of the stated purposes of Luke’s gospel is to provide certainty concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ. He, therefore, provides information with the intent of drawing forth a commitment from his readers. Despite the fact that… Continue Reading

Shelby Next

“Shelby Next” By Pastor Scott Williams Hello Church Family, One of the key responsibilities of the shepherds of the church is knowing who is, and who is not, part of the flock God has entrusted to them. It says in 1 Peter 5:2: “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not… Continue Reading

1.27.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides

Click HERE to download. Sermon Notes Shall We Look for Another? Text: Luke 7 Tony Chute, Interim Pastor Overview: The powerful teaching ministry of Jesus was complemented by his extraordinary power to heal, both of which were signs of his messianic identity. Luke highlights two miracles in particular—one that demonstrates Jesus’s ability to heal others when He… Continue Reading