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Medical Response Team Opportunities

Medical Response Team Opportunities

Northpoint is looking for medical professional volunteers (doctors, nurses, EMTs, & firefighters) to fill out the Medical Response Team. Your task would be to carry a pager in an on-call capacity once a month during a service on Sunday mornings in case of a medical emergency on campus. Interested? If so, please contact Michele Balga at… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides 04.19.2015

Print PDF Sermon Notes Created (Sexual) for a Purpose Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-24 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: When we live according to God’s design, we actually mirror the character of the One who made us in His likeness. For example, when we show love to other people, we reflect God, who is love (1 John 4).… Continue Reading

Does the Gospel Make Demands?

Does the Gospel Make Demands? Hello Church Family, I love the staff of Northpoint. We have such a great group of humble servants and leaders. And it helps that we get along famously, as we have an occasional “debate” or two. Not long ago, a question was posed in staff meeting: Does the gospel make… Continue Reading

An Act of Grace

An Act of Grace Hello Church Family, I hope you’ve been able to rest in God’s grace this week. What an amazing Easter weekend! We had two Good Friday services, which focused on the death of Jesus for our sins (with a good balance, I thought, of contemplation and hopefulness); and we had three services… Continue Reading

Easter and the Christian

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Pastor Brent Whitefield, Northpoint’s Pastor of Missions and Outreach. Easter and the Christian Hello Church Family, The resurrection is the great hope of the believer. Without the resurrection of Christ there is no victory over sin and death and, therefore, no reasonable expectation that we will be raised some day.… Continue Reading

Lavish Affection for Jesus

3.29.2015 Lavish Affection for Jesus John 12:1-11 Pastor Scott Williams Introduction: This morning we celebrate Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus made is triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where he would complete His mission on earth and bring salvation to the world. The Gospel of John sets the story of Jesus being anointed with oil right… Continue Reading

Grace, Cheer, and Giving

This week, Pastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Steve Flood, one of Northpoint’s elders. Grace, Cheer, and Giving Hello Church Family, The Easter season gives us a chance to reflect on the defining act of God in all of human history. Thoughts of amazement and thanksgiving occur when we meditate on the life and sacrifice of Christ. In addition,… Continue Reading

NP K!DS Easter Celebration

NP K!DS Easter Celebration

The NP K!DS (1-6 graders) Easter Celebration is THIS coming Sunday, March 29! They’ll hear the good news of what Jesus did for them, eat cupcakes, and take home a special gift to help them always remember the amazing gospel message. Be there! Continue Reading

Sermon Notes & Slides – 3.22.2015

Sermon Notes Click here for PDF When Rain Stopped Falling James 5:15b-20 Pastor John Sloan Introduction: It’s easy for those who have a high view of God’s sovereignty—those who confess that God is in control over all things and is continually working out His eternal plan—to minimize the actual effectiveness of prayer. Statements like this… Continue Reading